What does the name Markku mean? What is the meaning of the name Markku?
Meaning of Markku: Name Markku in the Finnish origin, means Finnish variation of the name Mark. Name Markku is of Finnish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Markku are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Markku (Namesakes)
- Markku Toikka
Markku Tapani Toikka (born 5 April 1955 in Somero, Finland) is a Finnish stand-up comedian and actor.
His acting roles include "Rahikainen" in Aki Kaurismäki's Crime and Punishment and "Pekka" in another Aki Kaurismäki film Calamari Union.
- Markku Uusipaavalniemi
Markku Uusipaavalniemi (born 23 November 1966 in Karkkila) is a Finnish curler and former politician.
- Markku Alén
Markku Allan Alén (born 15 February 1951, in Helsinki) is a Finnish former rally and race car driver.
- Markku Huhtamo
Markku Huhtamo (born 10 August 1946, Rovaniemi, Finland) is a Finnish actor.
- Markku Kyllönen
Markku Kyllönen (born February 15, 1962) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played in the National Hockey League and SM-liiga.
- Markku Pölönen
Markku Tapani Pölönen (born 16 September 1957 in Eno) is a Finnish film director, screenwriter, editor and owner of film production company Suomen Filmiteollisuus.
- Markku Kanerva
Markku Kanerva (born 24 May 1964) is a Finnish football manager, former player and elementary school teacher.
- Markku Lehmuskallio
Markku Lehmuskallio (born 31 December 1938) is a Finnish film director, cinematographer and screenwriter.
- Markku Taskinen
Markku Aulis Taskinen (born 25 February 1952) is a Finnish former athlete.
- Markku Kukkoaho
Markku Juhani Kukkoaho (born 11 November 1946) is a Finnish former sprinter.
- Markku Flinck
Markku Flinck (born January 4, 1985) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Markku Juhola
Markku Juhola (born 2 November 1947) is a Finnish sprinter.
- Markku Laine
Markku Laine (born 26 May 1955) is a Finnish middle-distance runner.
- Markku Airio
Markku Airio (born 25 April 1952) is a Finnish judoka.
- Markku Rossi
Markku Kalevi Rossi (born March 5, 1956) is a Finnish politician from the Centre Party.
- Markku Kiimalainen
Markku Kiimalainen (born 8 October 1955) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Markku Takala
Markku Takala (born May 2, 1972) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey centre.
- Markku Syrjälä
Markku Syrjälä (born 12 May 1955) is a Finnish archer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Markku Numerology: Name Markku has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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