What does the name Marek mean? What is the meaning of the name Marek
Meaning of Marek: Name Marek in the Polish, Czech origin, means On who is warlike. Name Marek is of Polish, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Marek are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Marek (Namesakes)
- Marek Skála
Marek Skála (born 25 October 1989 in Prague) is a Czech freestyle skier.
- John Marek
John Marek (born 24 December 1940), is a Welsh Conservative politician, former Member of Parliament and former Member of the National Assembly for Wales.
- Marek Heinz
Marek Heinz (born 4 August 1977) is a Czech former professional football striker.
- Marek Kamiński
Marek Kamiński (born March 24, 1964, in Gdańsk) is a Polish explorer, innovator and philosopher.
- Marek Jankulovski
Marek Jankulovski (Czech pronunciation: [ˈmarɛk ˈjaŋkulofskɪ]; born 9 May 1977) is a Czech former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Marek Mintál
- Marek Koźmiński
Marek Jan Koźmiński (Polish pronunciation: [ˈmarɛk ˈjan kɔʑˈmʲiɲskʲi]) (born 7 February 1971 in Kraków) is a retired Polish football player.
- Marek Sapara
Marek Sapara (born 31 July 1982) is a retired Slovak footballer who is currently an assistant manager at MFK Ružomberok.
- Jeff Marek
Jeffrey James "Jeff" Marek (born Keegan Sean Laughlin, July 9, 1969) is a television personality and radio host for properties originating from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada.
- Marek Penksa
Marek Penksa (born 4 August 1973 in Veľký Krtíš) is a Slovak footballer (midfielder), who last played for ASK Marienthal.
- Marek Hamšík
Marek Hamšík (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈmarɛɡ ˈɦamʃiːk]; born 27 July 1987) is a Slovak professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for the Chinese Super League club Dalian Professional and the Slovakia national team, for which he is captain.
- Marek Vašut
Marek Vašut (born May 5, 1960) is a Czech film, stage, and television actor, best known for his appearances in Solomon Kane and Blade II.
- Marek Kondrat
Marek Kondrat (born 18 October 1950) is a former Polish TV, film and theatrical actor, director.
- Marek Szmid
Marek Andrezj Szmid (born 2 March 1982) is an English retired professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Tomáš Marek
Tomáš Marek (born 20 April 1981) is a Czech football player.
- Marek Kanievska
Marek Kanievska (born 30 November 1952) is a British film director.
- Marek Havlík
Marek Havlík (born 8 July 1995) is a professional Czech football midfielder currently playing for 1.
- Marek Tomaszewski
Marek Tomaszewski (born 20 November 1943 in Kraków) is a Polish pianist.
- Marek Rodák
Marek Rodák (born 13 December 1996) is a Slovak professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Fulham.
- Marek Holeček
Marek "Mára" Holeček (born November 5, 1974, in Prague) is a Czech mountaineer, explorer, author and documentary filmmaker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Marek Numerology: Name Marek has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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