What does the name Mara mean? What is the meaning of the name Mara
Meaning of Mara: Name Mara in the Hebrew, Czech origin, means Bitter; Variant of Maria; Destroyer. Name Mara is of Hebrew, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mara are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mara: Bitter; Variant of Maria; Destroyer
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Famous people with name Mara (Namesakes)
- Mara Wilson
Mara Elizabeth Wilson (born July 24, 1987) is an American actress and writer.
- John Mara
John K. Mara, Esq ( MAR-ə (born December 1, 1954) is the president, CEO, and co-owner of the New York Giants.
- Mary Mara
Mary Mara (born September 21, 1960) is an American TV and film actress from Syracuse, New York known for her recurring role as Inspector Bryn Carson on Nash Bridges and primetime dramas ER and Law & Order.
- Jason O'Mara
Jason O'Mara (born August 6, 1972) is an Irish actor based in the United States.
- Kate Mara
Kate Rooney Mara ( MAIR-ə; born February 27, 1983) is an American actress, fashion model, and film producer.
- Mara Corday
Mara Corday (born Marilyn Joan Watts; January 3, 1930) is a showgirl, model, actress, Playboy Playmate and 1950s cult figure.
- Mara Hobel
Mara Hobel (born June 18, 1971) is an American actress.
- Mara Brock Akil
Mara Brock Akil (born Mara Dionne Brock, May 27, 1970) is an American screenwriter and television producer.
- Celia Mara
Célia Mara is a Brazilian singer-songwriter and producer who has lived since the 1990s in Vienna, Austria and since 2003 also partly in Salvador, Bahia.
- Tânia Mara
Tânia Mara Araújo Almeida (born February 9, 1983) is a Brazilian singer and actress.
- Mara Lopez
Mara Isabella Yokohama (born May 20, 1991), known professionally as Mara Lopez, is a Filipino actress and surfer.
- Mara Carfagna
Maria Rosaria "Mara" Carfagna (born 18 December 1975) is an Italian politician and former showgirl and model.
- Rooney Mara
Patricia Rooney Mara ( MAIR-ə; born April 17, 1985) is an American actress.
- Mara Maionchi
Mara Maionchi (pronounced [ˈmaːra maˈjoŋki]; born 22 April 1941 in Bologna) is an Italian record producer and a TV personality.
- Mara Venier
Mara Povoleri (born October 20, 1950), better known as Mara Venier (pronounced [ˈmaːra veˈnjɛr]), is an Italian actress and television hostess.
- Mara Schiavocampo
Mara Schiavocampo (pronounced skee-ah-vah-CAHM-po) (born September 28, 1979) is an American journalist, working for ABC News.
- Mara Lane
Mara Lane (born Dorothy Bolton; 1 August 1930) is a British-Austrian actress.
- Mohamed Mara
Mohamed Mara (born 12 December 1996) is a Guinean international footballer who plays as a forward for French Ligue 1 club FC Lorient.
- Kamso Mara
Youssouf Kamso Mara (born 24 December 1994) is a Guinean professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for the Czech club Slovan Liberec.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Mara Numerology: Name Mara has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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