What does the name Mantel mean? What is the meaning of the name Mantel?
Meaning of Mantel: Name Mantel in the German origin, means Cloak bearer; Makes Garment; A variant is Mantle. Name Mantel is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mantel: Cloak bearer; Makes Garment; A variant is Mantle
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Mantel
Famous people with name Mantel (Namesakes)
- Dutch Mantel
Wayne Maurice Keown (born November 29, 1949) is an American professional wrestling manager, booker and retired professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Dutch Mantel (also spelled Dutch Mantell).
- Hilary Mantel
Dame Hilary Mary Mantel, ( man-TEL; née Thompson; born 6 July 1952) is an English writer whose work includes historical fiction, personal memoirs and short stories.
She has twice been awarded the Booker Prize, the first time for the 2009 novel Wolf Hall, a fictional account of Thomas Cromwell's rise to power in the court of Henry VIII, and secondly for the 2012 novel Bring Up the Bodies, the second instalment of the Cromwell trilogy.
- Bronwen Mantel
Bronwen Mantel (born 29 October 1948) is a Canadian actress and voice actress.
- Henriette Mantel
Henriette Mantel (born October 20, 1954) is an American writer, actress, producer, director, and stand-up comic from Vermont.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Mantel Numerology: Name Mantel has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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