What does the name Mansfield mean? What is the meaning of the name Mansfield
Meaning of Mansfield: Name Mansfield in the German origin, means Coming from a hilly pasture; From the field by the stream; Locational name from Germany. Name Mansfield is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Mansfield: Coming from a hilly pasture; From the field by the stream; Locational name from Germany
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Famous people with name Mansfield (Namesakes)
- Graeme Mansfield
Graeme Mansfield (born 27 December 1942) is an Australian former cricketer.
- Laurie Mansfield
- Michael Mansfield
Michael Mansfield (born 12 October 1941) is an English barrister and head of chambers at Nexus Chambers.
- Harvey Mansfield
Harvey Claflin Mansfield Jr. (born March 21, 1932) is an American political philosopher.
- Michael Mansfield (footballer)
Michael Mansfield (born 8 August 1971) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for the Geelong Football Club and the Carlton Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Jayne Marie Mansfield
Jayne Marie Mansfield (born November 8, 1950) is an American actress and model.
- Ben Mansfield
Ben Mansfield (born 29 May 1983) is an English actor, best known for playing Captain Becker in the ITV sci-fi drama Primeval.
- Brian Mansfield
Brian Mansfield (born September 24, 1963) is an American writer and journalist.
- Von Mansfield
Von Mansfield is a former defensive back in the National Football League.
- Marie Mansfield
Marie Mansfield [Kelley] (born November 4, 1931) is a former pitcher who played from 1950 through 1954 in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.
- Matthew Mansfield
Matthew Mansfield (born 24 June 1969) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for the Footscray (now Western Bulldogs) Football Club in the Australian Football League.
- Lauren Mansfield
Lauren Mansfield (born 18 December 1989) is an Australian professional basketball player for the Perth Lynx of the Women's National Basketball League (WNBL).
- Averil Mansfield
Dr Averil Olive Mansfield CBE FRCP (born 21 June 1937) is a retired English vascular surgeon.
- Adam Mansfield
Adam Peter Mansfield (born 21 August 1991) is an English former first-class cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Mansfield Numerology: Name Mansfield has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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