What does the name Manel mean? What is the meaning of the name Manel
Meaning of Manel: Name Manel in the German origin, means A variant form of Manuel. Name Manel is of German origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Manel (Namesakes)
- Zé Manel (footballer)
José Manuel da Silva Fernandes (born 22 February 1975), commonly known as Zé Manel, is a Portuguese retired footballer who played as a winger.
- Manel Bosch
Manel Bosch Bifet (born September 19, 1967 in Lleida) was a Spanish professional basketball player.
- Manel (footballer, born 1973)
Manel Martínez Fernández (born 3 November 1973), known simply as Manel, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a centre forward.
- Manel Pelegrina Lopez
Manel Pelegrina Lopez (born October 21, 1968) is an Andorran ski mountaineer.
- Manel (footballer, born 1972)
Manuel Fernández Anidos (born 9 May 1972 in Narón, A Coruña, Galicia), commonly known as Manel, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Manel Terraza
Manel Terraza Farré (born 11 May 1990) is a Spanish field hockey player.
- Manel Kouki
Manel Kouki (born 4 February 1988) is a Tunisian handball player for Stella Sports HB and the Tunisian national team.
She represented Tunisia at the 2013 World Women's Handball Championship in Serbia.
- Manel (footballer, born 1971)
José Manuel Menéndez Erimia (born 7 January 1971 in Avilés, Asturias), commonly known as Manel, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Manel Navarro
Manel Navarro Quesada (born 7 March 1996) is a Spanish singer and songwriter.
- Manel Muñoz
Manel Muñoz (born 10 October 1996 in Barcelona), known artistically as Manel De Aguas, is a Catalan cyborg artist based in Barcelona, best known for developing and installing barometric sensors in his body.
- Manel Wanaguru
Manel Chinthamani Wanaguru (Sinhala: මානෙල් වානගුරු; born 18 October 1951), is an actress in Sri Lankan cinema, theater and television.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Manel Numerology: Name Manel has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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