What does the name Mandel mean? What is the meaning of the name Mandel?
Meaning of Mandel: Name Mandel in the English, Semitic origin, means Semitic - Wisdom; Knowledge; A variant of name Mendel. Name Mandel is of English, Semitic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Mandel (Namesakes)
- Stephen Mandel
Stephen Mandel (born July 18, 1945) is a Canadian politician and leader of the Alberta Party from 2018 to 2019.
- Babaloo Mandel
Marc "Babaloo" Mandel (born October 13, 1949) is an American screenwriter.
- Howie Mandel
Howard Michael Mandel (born November 29, 1955) is a Canadian comedian, actor and television host.
- Johnny Mandel
John Alfred Mandel (born November 23, 1925) is an American composer and arranger of popular songs, film music and jazz.
- Tommy Mandel
Tommy Mandel (born June 2, 1949) is a keyboardist most notable for playing with Bryan Adams from 1981 to 1998, starting with Bryan Adams's album You Want It You Got It.
- Suzy Mandel
Suzy Mandel (born 6 March 1953) is a former actress and model best known for her roles in such 1970s British sex comedies as Confessions of a Driving Instructor (1976), Intimate Games (1976), Come Play with Me (1977), The Playbirds (1978), and Adventures of a Plumber's Mate (1978), and for her appearances on The Benny Hill Show.
- Harvey Mandel
Harvey Mandel (born March 11, 1945, in Detroit, Michigan, United States) is an American guitarist known for his innovative approach to electric guitar playing.
- Josh Mandel
Joshua Aaron Mandel (born September 27, 1977) is an American Republican politician who served as the State Treasurer of Ohio from 2011 to 2019.
- Alon Mandel
Alon Mandel (Hebrew: אלון מנדל; born 23 August 1988) is an Israeli swimmer who represented Israel at the 2008 Summer Olympics.
- Stephen Mandel (hedge fund manager)
Stephen Frank Mandel, Jr (born March 12, 1956) is an American hedge fund manager, investor, and philanthropist.
- Ricky Mandel
Richard Mathey (born June 27, 1987) is an American professional wrestler who currently competes on the independent circuit and also wrestles for Lucha Underground and Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.
- Edgar Mandel
Edgar Mandel (born 19 August 1928) is a German stage, film, and television actor who also appeared in audio plays.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Mandel Numerology: Name Mandel has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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