What does the name Malu mean? What is the meaning of the name Malu?
Meaning of Malu: Name Malu in the Hawaiian origin, means One who brings peace. Name Malu is of Hawaiian origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Malu (Namesakes)
- Malu Mader
Maria de Lourdes da Silveira "Malu" Mäder (born September 12, 1966) is a Brazilian actress.
- Malu Dreyer
Maria Luise Anna "Malu" Dreyer (born 6 February 1961) is a German politician (SPD).
- Hikule'o Malu
Hikule'o Malu (Eko Malu) is a New Zealand rugby league player who represented the Cook Islands national rugby league team in the 2013 World Cup.
- Malu Galli
Maria Luiza Reis Galli (born 17 November 1971) is a Brazilian actress.
- Malu Maglutac
Maria "Malu" Lourdes Maglutac Chiongbian (born October 10, 1960) is a former Filipino TV show host, ballet dancer, model, actress, newscaster, and beauty pageant title holder.
- Jonathan Malu
Jonathan Malu (born March 19, 1993) is a Congolese-German professional basketball player who formerly played for Alba Berlin of the Basketball Bundesliga.
- Malu Trevejo
María Luisa "Malu" Trevejo () is a Cuban-born Spanish singer based in Miami, Florida, She became famous for her videos on the video sharing app Musical.ly.
- Fotukava Malu
Fotukava "Hiko" Malu (born December 2, 1993) is an American rugby league footballer who plays for the Atlanta Rhinos and has played rugby union for the Atlanta Renegades.
- Malu Rodrigues
Maria Luísa Reisderfer Rodrigues (born August 29, 1993), best known as Malu Rodrigues, is a Brazilian actress.
- John Malu
John Malu (born 24 May 1978) is a former rugby league footballer who played for the North Queensland Cowboys and Northern Eagles in the National Rugby League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Malu Numerology: Name Malu has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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