What does the name Malin mean? What is the meaning of the name Malin
Meaning of Malin: Name Malin in the Nordic, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Swedish origin, means One from Magdala. Name Malin is of Nordic, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Scandinavian, Swedish origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Malin (Namesakes)
- David Malin
David Frederick Malin (born 28 March 1941) is a British-Australian astronomer and photographer.
- Malin Persson
Malin Persson (born April 26, 1979, in Osby, Skåne, Sweden) is a fashion model from Sweden.
- Malin Reitan
Malin (born Malin Reitan; 8 August 1995 in Trondheim, Norway) is a Norwegian singer.
- Malin Olsson
Malin Isabel Sofie Dos Santos Cardoso Olsson (born March 19, 1982) is a Swedish television presenter and a former singer and beauty queen.
- Malin Andersson
Malin Elisabeth Andersson (born 4 May 1973 in Kristianstad, Skåne) is a Swedish women's football player.
- Malin Åkerman
Malin Maria Åkerman (born 12 May 1978) is a Swedish-Canadian actress, model and singer.
- Antti Malin
Antti Malin (born February 17, 1983) is a Finnish player of fantasy card-game Magic: The Gathering.
- Joe Malin
Joseph "Joe" Malin (born 13 July 1988 in Bellshill) is a Scottish football player, who plays as a goalkeeper for Brora Rangers.
- Aleksandr Malin
Aleksandr Anatolyevich Malin (Russian: Александр Анатольевич Малин; born 3 February 1973) is a Russian professional football coach and a former player who works as an assistant manager with FC Tambov.
- Malin Birgerson
Malin Susanna Margareta Birgerson (born 28 January 1968 in Täby, Stockholm County, Sweden) is a Swedish actress.
Birgerson studied from 1992–95 at the NAMA in Malmö.
- Malin Levenstad
Eva Malin Sofia Levenstad (born 13 September 1988) is a Swedish football defender and assistant coach for FC Rosengård.
- Malin Crépin
Malin Crépin (born 22 August 1978 in Stockholm), is a Swedish actress.
- Laura Malin
Laura Malin (born 27 April 1974) is a Brazilian writer.
- Malin Gramer
Malin Gramer (born 26 April 1978), is a Swedish actress and television presenter.
- Malin Levanon
Malin Vulcano Levanon, also known as Malin Vulcano,(born 12 November 1977) is a Swedish actress.
- Malin Buska
Malin Kristina Buska, (born 15 March 1984) is a Swedish actress.
- Malin Ahlberg
Malin Ahlberg (born 3 August 1991) is a Swedish footballer forward.
- Andreas Malin
Andreas Malin (born 31 January 1994) is a Liechtensteiner footballer who currently plays for FC Dornbirn 1913.
- Malin Persson Giolito
Anna Malin Ulrika Persson Giolito (born 25 September 1969 in Stockholm) is a Swedish author and lawyer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Malin Numerology: Name Malin has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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