Malawi Baby Unisex Names With Meanings
Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of the life's most cherished moments. Congratulations on this beautiful journey!
Looking for the perfect Malawi baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Malawi Baby Unisex names. Thanks for choosing us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, Largest Baby names list, to find Malawi Unisex names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. At, we understand requirements of parents when it comes to naming their newborn baby Unisex.
The name “Malawi” is believed to have originated from the Maravi, an old name for the Chewa people who inhabit the area. The Maravi Empire was founded by the Amaravi people in the late 15th century and was called Maravi or Malawi, Chewa for ‘flames’.
The empire was powerful and was located in the area that is now Malawi. The name “Malawi” was adopted by the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) from what the Chewa people called the 16th century empire
This collection has all Malawi Baby Names for Unisexs - traditional, modern,religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Malawi baby Unisex names to help you make the right choice!
You can view all Malawi baby Unisex names alphabetically with their meanings and filter them through various options. Click on any baby name for more details and meanings.
Malawi Baby Names for Unisexs List
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Boy | The kingsman |