What does the name Mal mean? What is the meaning of the name Mal
Meaning of Mal: Name Mal in the Indian origin, means Messenger of God; Chief; One of many names of Lord Krishna. Name Mal is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Mal are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Mal (Namesakes)
- Mal Baird
Mal Baird (born 6 July 1948) is an Australian hurdler.
- Mal Young
Mal Young (born 26 January 1957) is a British television producer, screenwriter and executive producer.
- Mal Brough
Malcolm Thomas Brough ( BRUF; born 29 December 1961) is a former Australian politician who was the Liberal National member for the Division of Fisher in the Australian House of Representatives.
- Mal Walden
Mal Walden (born 20 May 1943) is a former Australian journalist and television news presenter based in Melbourne.
- Mal Meninga
Malcolm Norman Meninga (; born 8 July 1960) is the head coach of the Australian national team and an Australian former rugby league footballer.
- Mal Donaghy
Malachy Martin "Mal" Donaghy (born 13 September 1957 in Belfast) is a former Northern Ireland international footballer who played for Luton Town and Manchester United.
- Mal Anderson
Malcolm James Anderson MBE (born 3 March 1935) is a former tennis player from Australia who was active from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s.
- Mal Michael
Malcolm Robert Michael (born 24 June 1977) is a Papua New Guinean born former Australian rules footballer.
- Mal Ryder
- Mal Pope
Maldwyn "Mal" Pope (born 18 May 1960) is a Welsh musician and composer, who is notable for his contribution to music theatre portraying Welsh national identities and themes.
- Mal Webb
Mal Webb (born 31 October 1966, Melbourne, Australia) is a singer, beatboxer and multi-instrumentalist who has performed in various groups in the Australian music scene.
- Mal Brown
Malcolm "Mal" Brown (born 26 October 1946) is a former Australian rules footballer in the Victorian Football League and West Australian National Football League.
- Mal Reilly
Malcolm John Reilly OBE (born 19 January 1948) is an English former rugby league player and coach.
- Vitan Mal
Vitan Mal (pronounced [ˈʋiːtan ˈmaːl]; born 25 October 1946) is a Slovene writer.
- Mal Smith
- Mal Cuming
Mal Cuming (born 23 January 1976 from Melbourne) is an Australian professional darts player, Who currently playing in British Darts Organisation events.
- Asit Kumar Mal
Asit Kumar Mal is an Indian politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Mal Numerology: Name Mal has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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