What does the name Mako mean? What is the meaning of the name Mako
Meaning of Mako: Name Mako in the Japanese origin, means A woman who is grateful ant truthful. Name Mako is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Mako are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Mako (Namesakes)
- Mako Ishino
Mako Ishino (石野真子, Ishino Mako, born January 31, 1961), is a Japanese singer and actress.
- Princess Mako of Akishino
Princess Mako (眞子内親王, Mako Naishinnō, born 23 October 1991) is the first child and elder daughter of Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko, and a member of the Japanese imperial family.
- Benjamin Mako Hill
Benjamin Mako Hill (born December 2, 1980) is a free software activist, hacker, and author.
- Mako (voice actress)
Mako Sakurai (桜井 真子, Sakurai Mako, born (1986-10-07)October 7, 1986), better known by the mononym name Mako (sometimes stylised MAKO), is a Japanese voice actress, singer and a member of the band Bon-Bon Blanco, in which her prominent role is as the maraca player.
- Mako Hyōdō
Mako Hyōdō (兵藤 まこ, Hyōdō Mako, born September 7, 1962), also credited as Mako Hyoudou, is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer from Tokyo, Japan.
- Mako Vunipola
Mako Vunipola (born 14 January 1991) is a professional rugby union player who plays at loosehead prop for Saracens in the Gallagher Premiership and the England national team.
- Mako Midori
Mako Midori (緑 魔子, Midori Mako, born 26 March 1944, Taiwan) is a Japanese actress.
- Mako Kojima
Mako Kojima (小嶋 真子, Kojima Mako, born 30 May 1997 in Tokyo Prefecture) is a Japanese fashion designer and tarento, represented by Sun Music Production.
- Mako Urushizaki
Mako Urushizaki (漆﨑 真子, Urushizaki Mako, born 19 April 1992) is a Japanese badminton player.
- Mako Yamashita
Mako Yamashita (Japanese: 山下 真瑚; born December 31, 2002) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Mako Kobata
Mako Kobata (小幡 真子, Kobata Mako, born 15 February 1990 Kyoto) is a Japanese volleyball player.
- Paseka Mako
Paseka Matsobane Mako (born 1 April 1994) is a South African footballer who plays for Orlando Pirates.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Mako Numerology: Name Mako has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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