What does the name Makis mean? What is the meaning of the name Makis
Meaning of Makis: Name Makis in the Greek origin, means A person who is considered to be a gift of God. Name Makis is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Makis are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Makis (Namesakes)
- Naanak
- Makis Tzatzos
Kosmas (Makis) Tzatzos (Greek: Μάκης Τζάτζος) (born 6 November 1967 in Komanos, Ptolemaida), is a retired football player (attacking midfielder) who connected his name mainly with Xanthi F.C..
- Makis Nikolaidis
Prodromos "Makis" Nikolaidis (alternate spelling: Nikolaides) (Greek: Πρόδρομος "Μάκης" Νικολαΐδης; born July 13, 1978) is a Greek-Cypriot professional basketball player for Oiakas Nafpliou in the Greek A2 Basket League.
- Makis Papaioannou
Makis Papaioannou (Greek: Μάκης Παπαιωάννου; born May 8, 1977 in Larnaca, Cyprus), is a former Cypriot football defender.
- Makis Belevonis
Makis Belevonis (Greek: Μάκης Μπελεβώνης, born 19 December 1975) is a Greek former professional footballer who played as a right back.
Belevonis spent many years in the Greek first division with OFI Crete, Kalamata and Panetolikos.
- Makis Dreliozis
Prodromos "Makis" Dreliozis (Greek: Πρόδρομος "Μάκις" Δρελιώζης; born March 31, 1975 in Athens, Greece), is a retired Greek professional basketball player.
- Makis Giannikoglou
Makis Giannikoglou (Greek: Μάκης Γιαννίκογλου, born 25 March 1993) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as goalkeeper for Super League 2 club PAS Giannina.
- Makis Katsavakis
Makis Katsavakis (Greek: Μάκης Κατσαβάκης; born 26 December 1953) is a Greek former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Makis Keravnos
Iacovos (Makis) Keravnos (Greek: Ιάκωβος (Μάκης) Κεραυνός; born 18 December 1951) is a Cypriot banker and politician.
- Makis Chavos
Makis Chavos (Greek: Μάκης Χάβος; born 5 September 1969) is a Greek former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Makis Giatras
Gerasimos "Makis" Giatras (born August 27, 1971; Greek: Γεράσιμος "Μάκης" Γιατράς) is a Greek professional basketball coach.
- Makis Voukelatos
Makis Voukelatos (Greek: Μάκης Βουκελάτος; born 29 March 1998) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a winger for Super League 2 club Platanias.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Makis Numerology: Name Makis has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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