What does the name Makan mean? What is the meaning of the name Makan?
Meaning of Makan: Name Makan in the Arabic origin, means Place; The name is used 28 times in Quran; A variant of name Makaan. Name Makan is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Makan are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Makan (Namesakes)
- Makan Dioumassi
Makan Dioumassi (born July 21, 1972 in Paris) is a basketball player from France, who won the silver medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics with the Men's National Team.
- Þorvaldur Makan Sigbjörnsson
Þorvaldur Makan Sigbjörnsson (born 26 November 1974) is an Icelandic former international footballer.
- Hans-Peter Makan
Hans-Peter Makan (born 1 January 1960 in Weinheim) is a retired German football player.
- Makan Hislop
Makan Hislop (born 3 September 1985) is a Trinidad and Tobago football (soccer) player, who plays for United Petrotrin of the TT Pro League.
- Makan Traoré
Makan Mouchou Traorè is a French football midfielder, currently playing for FC Rouen.
She was an Under-17 international.
- Makan Dembélé
Makan Dembélé (25 December 1986) is a Malian footballer who plays for USFAS Bamako in Malian Première Division.
- Makan Traore (footballer, born 1992)
Makan Traore (born 26 May 1992) is a French professional footballer who plays as a defender for FC Bastia-Borgo.
- Makan Konaté
Makan Konatè (born 10 November 1991) is a Malian footballer who plays as a attacking midfielder for Indonesian club Persebaya Surabaya.
- Makan Delrahim
- Makan Chote
Makan Winkle Chote (born 19 January 2000) is an Indian footballer who currently plays as a Winger for Minerva Punjab.
- Kyranbek Makan
Kelanbaike Makan (born September 27, 1992) is a Chinese basketball player of Kyrgyz origin who plays in the small forward position for China and currently plays for Chinese club Xinjiang Flying Tigers.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Makan Numerology: Name Makan has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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