What does the name Maite mean? What is the meaning of the name Maite
Meaning of Maite: Name Maite in the Spanish origin, means Spanish name for love. Name Maite is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Maite are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Maite (Namesakes)
- Maite Perroni
Maite Perroni Beorlegui (born March 9, 1983) is a Mexican actress, singer, songwriter, dancer and model, who is best known for starring in the Mexican telenovelas Rebelde (2004), Cuidado con el ángel (2008), Mi Pecado (2009) Triunfo del Amor (2010), Cachito de cielo (2012), La Gata (2014), Antes muerta que Lichita (2015) and Papá a toda madre (2017).
- Maite Delgado
Maite Coromoto Delgado de Mora (born September 20, 1966) is a Venezuelan TV show host and former beauty queen.
- Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
Maite Emily Nkoana-Mashabane (born 30 September 1963) is a South African politician who is the Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities.
- Maite Orsini
Maite Orsini Pascal (born February 23, 1988 in Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean lawyer and politician, and former actress and model.
- Maite Lizaso
Maite Lizaso Campos (born 25 October 1983) is a Spanish football midfielder who plays for Athletic Bilbao of the Primera División.
- Maite Andreu
Maite Andreu (born 26 January 1971) is a Spanish handball player.
- Maite Maiora
Maite Maiora Elizondo (born 20 June 1980) is a Spanish female sky runner and trail runner, who won gold medal at the 2016 Skyrunning World Championships in SkyMarathon, the final ranking of Sky Extreme and overall title of the 2017 Skyrunner World Series and bronze medal at the 2015 IAU Trail World Championships held in Annecy.
- Maite Hontelé
Maite Hontelé is granddaughter of André Hontelé (1922-2005); musician, composer and author of books on school music.
- Maite Carranza
Maite Carranza Gil-Dolz del Castellar (born February 25, 1958) is an award-winning Spanish writer and educator, mainly writing in Catalan.
- Maite Dono
Maite Dono (born 17 February 1969) is a Spanish singer-songwriter, poet, and actress.
- Maite Zugarrondo
Maite Zugarrondo Etxeberria (born 4 May 1989) is a Spanish handballer for Super Amara Bera Bera and the Spanish national team.
- Maite Cazorla
Maite Cazorla (born June 18, 1997) is a Spanish professional basketball player for the Perfumerias Avenida of Liga Endesa and the Spanish women's national basketball team.
- Maite Oroz
Maite Oroz Areta (born 25 March 1998) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Athletic Bilbao as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Maite Numerology: Name Maite has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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