What does the name Maiko mean? What is the meaning of the name Maiko
Meaning of Maiko: Name Maiko in the Japanese origin, means A child that has a love for dancing. Name Maiko is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Maiko are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Maiko (Namesakes)
- Maiko Itō
Maiko Itō (いとう まい子, Itō Maiko, born 18 August 1964 in Nagoya, Japan) is a Japanese actress.
- Maiko Kawakami
Maiko Kawakami (川上 麻衣子, Kawakami Maiko, born February 5, 1966) is a Swedish-born Japanese actress who has starred in numerous movies and TV serials.
- Maiko Sakae
Maiko Sakae (栄 舞子) is a Japanese pop singer, she was a former bassist and vocalist for the all-female pop rock band Zone.
- Maiko Itai
Maiko Itai (板井 麻衣子, Itai Maiko, born 21 May 1984 in Ōita Prefecture) is a Japanese beauty pageant contestant who won Miss Universe Japan 2010 on 9 March 2010.
- Maiko Tōno
Maiko Tōno (遠野 舞子, Tōno Maiko) is a Japanese actress.
- Maiko Kazama
Maiko Kazama (風間舞子, Kazama Maiko) is a Japanese actress known especially for her roles in Nikkatsu's Roman Porno series of films in the early 1980s.
- Maiko Nakamura
Maiko Rivera Nakamura (中村 舞子, Nakamura Maiko, born June 15, 1991 in Manila, Philippines) is a Japanese R&B singer who debuted as a musician in 2008 with the song "Because...," a collaboration with LGYankees.
- Maiko Fujino
Maiko Fujino (藤野 舞子, Fujino Maiko, born May 25, 1983) is a Japanese swimmer, who specialized in long-distance freestyle and individual medley events.
- Maiko (actress)
Maiko (マイコ, born March 15, 1985, in Seattle, United States) is a Japanese-American actress who is represented by the talent agency GR Promotion.
- Maiko Nakaoka
Maiko Nakaoka (中岡 麻衣子, Nakaoka Maiko, born February 15, 1985) is a former Japanese football player.
- Maiko Nasu
Maiko Nasu (那須 麻衣子, Nasu Maiko, born July 31, 1984) is a former Japanese football player.
- Maiko Sato
Maiko Sato (佐藤 麻衣子, Sato Maiko, born May 29, 1978) is a Japanese former sailor, who specialized in both Europe and Laser Radial classes.
- Maiko Obikawa
Maiko Obikawa (帯川 牧子, Obikawa Maiko, born 13 March 1973) is a Japanese ice hockey player.
- Maiko Inoue
Maiko Inoue Sato (井上 摩衣子, Inoue Maiko, born 5 February 1979) is a Japanese former professional tennis player.
- Maiko Morio
Maiko Morio (森尾 麻衣子, Morio Maiko, born 18 February 1967) is a Japanese gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Maiko Numerology: Name Maiko has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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