What does the name Maia mean? What is the meaning of the name Maia
Meaning of Maia: Name Maia in the Indian, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means Mother; One who has unconditional love like a mother. Name Maia is of Indian, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Girl name. People with name Maia are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Maia (Namesakes)
- Maia Shibutani
Maia Harumi Shibutani (born July 20, 1994) is an American ice dancer.
- Maia Morgenstern
Maia Emilia Ninel Morgenstern (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmaja ˈmorɡənʃtern] (listen); born 1 May 1962) is a Romanian film and stage actress, described by Florin Mitu of AMOS News as "a symbol of Romanian theater and film".
- Maia Chiburdanidze
Maia Chiburdanidze (Georgian: მაია ჩიბურდანიძე; born 17 January 1961) is a Georgian chess player.
- Cesar Maia
Cesar Epitácio Maia (born June 18, 1945) is a Brazilian politician, notable for having been elected three times for mayor of Rio de Janeiro.
- Maia Lee
Maia Lee (Chinese: 李芝瑛; pinyin: Li Zhīyīng; born January 31, 1983) is a Singaporean singer and television artiste.
- Maia Campbell
Maia Chinassa Campbell (born November 26, 1976) is an American film, television actress and model.
- Maia Brewton
Maia Luisa Brewton (born September 30, 1977) is an American actress who enjoyed success in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
- Maia Hirasawa
Maia Hirasawa (born May 5, 1980) is a Swedish singer-songwriter of Swedish and Japanese parentage.
- Maia Mitchell
Maia Mitchell (born 18 August 1993) is an Australian actress and singer.
- Demian Maia
Demian Augusto Maia Baptista (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈdemiɐ̃ ˈmajɐ] (born 6 November 1977) is a Brazilian former submission grappler and a current mixed martial artist.
- Maia Estianty
Maia Estianty (born Maia Estianty, 27 January 1976), known as Maia Ahmad during her marriage to fellow musician Ahmad Dhani, is an Indonesian musician, music producer, songwriter, singer, actress, businesswoman, talent show judge, and television personality.
- Jennifer Maia
Jennifer Maia (born October 6, 1988) is a Brazilian female mixed martial artist who competes in the Flyweight division.
- Maia Sandu
Maia Sandu (born 24 May 1972) is a Moldovan politician, the current leader of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), and former Prime Minister of Moldova (from 8 June 2019 until 14 November 2019).
- Mel Maia
Melissa Maia de Sousa, better known as Mel Maia (born May 3, 2004) is a Brazilian actress.
- Thiago Maia
Thiago Maia Alencar (born 23 March 1997), known as Thiago Maia, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays for Brazilian club Flamengo on loan from Lille.
- Diego Maia
Diego Lopes da Silva Maia or Diego Maia (born 3 February 1990) is a Brazilian football defender.
- Rodrigo Maia
Rodrigo Felinto Ibarra Epitácio Maia (born 12 June 1970) is a Brazilian politician who has been the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil since July 2016.
- Bruno Maia
Bruno Gonçalves Maia de Souza (born 19 April 1988 in Além Paraíba), known as Bruno Maia, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Portuguesa as defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Maia Numerology: Name Maia has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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