What does the name Maddison mean? What is the meaning of the name Maddison
Meaning of Maddison: Name Maddison in the Irish origin, means A son of Madoc - a fortunate one. Name Maddison is of Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Maddison are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Maddison: A son of Madoc - a fortunate one
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Famous people with name Maddison (Namesakes)
- Neil Maddison
Neil Stanley Maddison (born 2 October 1969) is an English former footballer.
- Guy Maddison
Guy Bernard Maddison (born 31 March 1965) is an Australian punk and grunge musician.
- Robbie Maddison
Robert William 'Robbie' Maddison (born 14 July 1981) is an Australian motorbike stunt rider.
- Maddison Bird
Maddison Bird (born April 19, 1994) is a Canadian pair skater.
- Lee Maddison
Lee Robert Maddison (born 5 October 1972) is a former professional association footballer, who played in The Football League, Scottish Football League and the Scottish Premier League.
- Maddison Gabriel
Maddison Gabriel (born 16 September 1994) is an Australian model who gained notoriety when, at the age of 12, she was controversially named the face of the 2007 Gold Coast Fashion Week.
- Maddison Elliott
Maddison Gae Elliott, (born 3 November 1998) is an Australian swimmer.
- James Maddison
James Daniel Maddison (born 23 November 1996) is an English professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Premier League club Leicester City and the England national team.
- Marcus Maddison
Marcus Harley Maddison (born 26 September 1993) is an English professional footballer who plays as a winger or attacking midfielder for Championship club Hull City on loan from Peterborough United of League One.
- Jamie Maddison
James Benjamin Maddison (born 9 July 1988), formerly known as Jamie Bunchuk, is an English explorer, equestrian Long Rider (assoc.) and an editor of Sidetracked Magazine.
- Maddison Inglis
Maddison Inglis (born 14 January 1998) is an Australian tennis player.
- Maddison Keeney
Maddison Keeney (born 23 May 1996) is an Australian female diver.
- Jonny Maddison
Jonathan Geoffrey Maddison (born 4 September 1994) is an English footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for League Two club Port Vale.
- Maddison Penn
Maddison Penn (born 9 May 1994) is an Australian professional basketball player.
- Maddison Rocci
Maddison Rocci (born 1 June 1998) is an Australian basketball player.
- Maddison Gay
Maddison Gay (born 28 September 1996) is an Australian rules footballer playing for Melbourne in the AFL Women's (AFLW).
- Maddison Allen
Maddison Allen (born 3 July 1993) is an Australian professional basketball player.
- Maddison Brown
Maddison Brown (born 23 April 1997) is an Australian actress and model.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Maddison Numerology: Name Maddison has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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