What does the name Macarena mean? What is the meaning of the name Macarena?
Meaning of Macarena: Name Macarena in the Spanish origin, means The blessed one. Name Macarena is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Macarena are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Macarena (Namesakes)
- Macarena Simari Birkner
Macarena Simari Birkner (born November 22, 1984) is a female skier from Argentina.
- Macarena Gómez
- Macarena Achaga
Macarena Achaga Figueroa (Spanish pronunciation: [makaˈɾena aˈtʃaɣa]; born 5 March 1992 in Mar del Plata, Argentina) known professionally as Macarena Achaga, is an Argentine model, actress, singer, and television hostess.
- Macarena Rodríguez
Ana Macarena Rodríguez Pérez (born 10 June 1978 in Mendoza, Argentina) is an Argentine field hockey player.
- Macarena Alonso
Macarena Alonso (born 13 January 1993) is an Argentinian team handball player.
- Macarena García
Macarena García de la Camacha Gutiérrez-Ambrossi (born 26 April 1988), professionally known as Macarena García, is a Spanish actress and singer who has taken part in several musicals.
- Macarena Benvenuto
Macarena Benvenuto (born 15 February 1988) is a Chilean alpine skier.
- Macarena Rosset
Macarena Rosset (born 23 February 1991) is an Argentine basketball player for San Giovanni Valdarno and the Argentina women's national basketball team.
She defended Argentina at the 2018 FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup.
- Macarena D'Urso
Macarena Rocío D'Urso (born 16 December 1991) is an Argentine basketball player for CB Almeria and the Argentine national team.
She participated at the 2018 FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup.
- Macarena Sánchez
Macarena Sánchez Jeanney (born December 28, 1991) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a striker for San Lorenzo.
- Macarena Miranda
Macarena Miranda (born 29 July 1971) is a Chilean former professional tennis player.
Miranda played on the professional tour from 1986 to 1992, reaching career high rankings of 325 in singles and 187 in doubles.
- Macarena Olona Choclán
Macarena Olona Choclán (born 14 May 1979), is a Spanish politician and state attorney, member of the Congress of Deputies since 2019 for Vox, a political party described as right-wing, right-wing populist, or far-right.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Macarena Numerology: Name Macarena has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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