What does the name Lyubov mean? What is the meaning of the name Lyubov
Meaning of Lyubov: Name Lyubov in the Russian, Bulgarian origin, means To love others. Name Lyubov is of Russian, Bulgarian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lyubov are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lyubov (Namesakes)
- Lyubov Kharlamova
Lyubov Kharlamova (Russian: Любовь Харламова), née Ivanova (Иванова, born March 2, 1981) is a Russian long-distance runner who specializes in the 3000 metres steeplechase.
- Lyubov Tolkalina
Lyubov Nikolaevna Tolkalina (Russian: Любо́вь Никола́евна Толка́лина; born 16 February 1978) is a Russian theater and film actress.
- Lyubov Sokolova (volleyball)
Lyubov Vladimirovna Sokolova (Russian: Любо́вь Влади́мировна Соколо́ва (Шашко́ва), also known as Lyubov Kılıç and formerly known as Lyubov Shashkova, born 4 December 1977) is a retired Russian volleyball player.
- Lyubov Bruletova
Lyubov Aleksandrovna Bruletova (Russian: Любовь Александровна Брулетова; born September 17, 1973) is a Russian judoka.
- Lyubov Sirota
Lyubov Makarivna Sirota (Ukrainian: Любов Макарівна Сирота; born June 21, 1956) is a Ukrainian poet, writer, playwright, journalist and translator.
- Lyubov Rusanova
Lyubov Petrovna Rusanova (Russian: Любовь Петровна Русанова; born 2 February 1954) is a retired Russian swimmer who won two medals in the 100 and 200 m breaststroke events at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
- Lyubov Shutova
Lyubov Andreyevna Shutova (Russian: Любовь Андреевна Шутова; born 25 June 1983) is a Russian fencer, World champion in 2009 and team World champion in 2013 and 2014.
- Lyubov Uspenskaya
Lyubov Zalmanovna Uspenskaya (Russian: Любо́вь За́лмановна Успе́нская), born Sitsker (Си́цкер), (born.
- Lyubov Yudina
Lyubov Yudina (Russian: Любовь Юдина; born 13 January 1981) is a Russian swimmer.
- Lyubov Dombitskaya
Lyubov Dombitskaya (born 17 May 1987) is a road cyclist from Kazakhstan.
- Lyubov Tkach
Lyubov Tkach (Russian: Любовь Ткач; born 18 February 1993) is a Russian athlete competing in the heptathlon.
- Lyubov Runtso
Lyubov Runtso (born 19 September 1949) is a Soviet sprinter.
- Lyubov Belyakova
Lyubov Belyakova (born 10 December 1967) is a Russian biathlete.
- Lyubov Ilyina
Lyubov Ilyina (born 10 March 1950) is a Soviet athlete.
- Lyubov Ibragimova
Lyubov Ibragimova née: Alekseyeva (Russian: Любовь Алексеева; born 5 May 1984) is a Kazakhstani ice hockey player.
- Lyubov Sobol
Lyubov Eduardovna Sobol (Russian: Любо́вь Эдуа́рдовна Со́боль; née Fedenyova (Russian: Феденёва); born September 13, 1987) is a Russian political and public figure, lawyer of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, and a member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council (2012-2013).
- Lyubov Gudchenko
Lyubov Gudchenko (born 5 March 1992) is a Belarusian footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Belarus women's national team.
- Lyubov Shmatko
Lyubov Shmatko (Ukrainian: Любов Шматко; born 25 October 1993) is a Ukrainian footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Ukraine women's national team.
- Lyubov Misharina
Lyubov Ivanovna Misharina also spelt as Liubov Misharina (born 22 April 1986) is a Russian deaf cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Lyubov Numerology: Name Lyubov has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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