What does the name Lulu mean? What is the meaning of the name Lulu
Meaning of Lulu: Name Lulu in the English, Teutonic, Arabic origin, means Woman who is a legendary warrior. Name Lulu is of English, Teutonic, Arabic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lulu are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lulu (Namesakes)
- Lulu Popplewell
Laura Francesca "Lulu" Popplewell (born 15 January 1991) is an English comedian and actress.
- Lulu (singer)
Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, OBE (born Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie; 3 November 1948) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, actress, TV personality and businesswoman.
- Lulu Roman
Lulu Roman (born Bertha Louise Hable on May 6, 1946) is an American comedian, singer, and author.
- Lulu Santos
Lulu Santos, stage name of Luiz Maurício Pragana dos Santos (May 4, 1953), is a Brazilian singer and guitarist.
- Lulu Devine
Lulu Devine (born Cynthia Stathopoulos on November 17, 1955 in Boston, Massachusetts) is a former American big-bust feature dancer, model, and pornographic video actress.
- Zhou Lulu
Zhou Lulu (Chinese: 周璐璐; born March 19, 1988) is a Chinese weightlifter.
- Lulu Antariksa
Lulu Antariksa (born Lauren Marie-Elizabeth Antariksa; August 22, 1995) is an American actress.
- Lulu Wang (novelist)
Lulu Wang (Chinese: 王露露; pinyin: Wáng Lùlù; born 22 December 1960) is a Chinese-born writer who has lived in the Netherlands since 1986.
- Lulu Carter
Louise Lulu Mushama Carter Arfwedson, known as Lulu Carter, (born Ann Louise Arfwedsson, 5 April 1961) is a Swedish author and presenter on the television home improvement show Äntligen hemma, broadcast on TV4.
- Lulu Haangala
Lulu Haangala (born Luyando Haangala on 12 March 1984), also known by her married name Luyando Haangala Wood is a Zambian media and communications consultant, TV personality, local government-certified Master of Ceremonies and is also US Embassy Zambia Youth Ambassador, Pizza Hut Zambia and Samsung Zambia Brand Ambassador and the founder of #WeKeepMoving Foundation and in December 2014 Lulu become partners with Dagon Holding Media.
- Lulu Wang (filmmaker)
Lulu Wang (Chinese: 王子逸; pinyin: Wáng Zǐyì; born February 25, 1983) is a Chinese-American film director, writer, and producer.
- Lulu Wilson
Lulu Wilson (born October 5, 2005) is an American child actress.
- Lulu Xuan
Lulu Xuan (Chinese: 宣璐; born 15 January 1991) is a Chinese actress.
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Bharani Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Lulu Numerology: Name Lulu has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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