What does the name Luiza mean? What is the meaning of the name Luiza
Meaning of Luiza: Name Luiza in the Spanish origin, means Spanish name for maiden in war. Name Luiza is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Luiza are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Luiza: Spanish name for maiden in war
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Luiza
Famous people with name Luiza (Namesakes)
- Luiza Possi
Luiza Possi (born June 26, 1984) is a Brazilian pop singer.
- Luiza Erundina
Luiza Erundina de Sousa (Portuguese pronunciation: [luˈizɐ ɛrũˈdjinɐ dʒi ˈsowzɐ]; November 30, 1934) is a Brazilian politician, born in Uiraúna, a small city in the interior of the Brazilian state of Paraíba.
- Luiza Sá
Luiza da Silva e Sá (born March 29, 1983 in São Paulo) is one of the guitar players and drummers for the Brazilian indie-electro band Cansei de Ser Sexy.
Besides playing in the group, she studies fine art at college and is very interested in astrology.
- Luiza Złotkowska
Luiza Złotkowska (born 25 May 1986) is a Polish speed skater.
- Luiza Galiulina
Luiza Galiulina (Russian: Луиза Галиулина; born 23 June 1992 in Tashkent) is an Uzbek gymnast.
- Luiza Gega
Luiza Gega (born 5 November 1988) is an Albanian athlete specializing in middle-distance running.
- Ana Luiza Filiorianu
Ana Luiza Filiorianu (born July 10, 1999) is a Romanian individual rhythmic gymnast.
- Luiza Mariani
Luiza Mariani is a Brazilian actress and producer.
- Luiza Saidiyeva
Luiza Saidiyeva (Kazakh: Луиза Сайдиева; born March 17, 1994) is a Kazakh competitive archer.
- Luiza Campos
Luiza González da Costa Campos (born July 30, 1990) is a Brazilian rugby sevens player.
- Luiza Monteiro
- Luiza Valdetaro
Luiza dos Santos Valdetaro (born September 7, 1985) is a Brazilian actress and businesswoman.
- Luiza Helena Trajano
Luiza Helena Trajano Inácio Rodrigues (born October 9, 1951) is a Brazilian businessperson and billionaire.
- Luiza Machado
Luiza Machado (born 20 March 1965) is a Brazilian volleyball player.
Do you know any famous people named Luiza, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Luiza Numerology: Name Luiza has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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