What does the name Ludmila mean? What is the meaning of the name Ludmila
Meaning of Ludmila: Name Ludmila in the Slavic origin, means Loved by the people. Name Ludmila is of Slavic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Ludmila are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Ludmila (Namesakes)
- Ludmila Formanová
Ludmila Formanová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈludmɪla ˈformanovaː]) (born 2 January 1974) is a former Czech middle-distance runner who specialized in the 800 metres.
- Ludmila Savelyeva
Ludmila Mikhaylovna Savelyeva (Russian: Людмила Михайловна Савельева; born January 24, 1942 in Leningrad) is a Russian film actress and ballerina.
- Ludmila Richterová
Ludmila Richterová (born 7 March 1977) is a Czech former tennis player.
- Ludmila Vaňková
Ludmila Vaňková (born 1927) is a Czech writer.
- Ludmila Velikova
Ludmila Georgiyevna Velikova (Russian: Людмила Георгиевна Великова; née Sinitsina, Russian: Синицина; born November 4, 1947 in Leningrad) is a Russian pair skating coach.
- Ludmila Dayer
Ludmila Dayer-Middleton (born June 18, 1983) is a Brazilian-American actress.
- Ludmila Zeman
Ludmila Zeman (born 23 April 1947) is a Czech–Canadian artist, animator, and creator of children's books.
- Ludmila Ferber
- Ludmila Pagliero
Ludmila Pagliero (born 15 October 1983) is an Argentine ballet dancer who is currently an étoile (principal) dancer of the Paris Opera Ballet.
- Ludmila Aslanian
Ludmila Aslanian (Lyudmila Aslanyan, Armenian: Լյուդմիլա Ասլանյան; born 2 July 1954) is an Armenian chess player with the title of Woman International Master (WIM).
- Ludmila Bášová
Ludmila Lida Bášová also known as Ludmila Šimáková (born 23 April 1968) is a former Czech female badminton player who has represented both Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic in international badminton competitions.
- Ludmila da Silva
Ludmila da Silva (born 1 December 1994), commonly known as Ludmila, is a Brazilian football forward who plays for Atlético Madrid of Spain's Primera División and the Brazil women's national football team.
- Ludmila Zaitseva
Ludmila Zaitseva (Russian: Людмила Георгиевна Зайцева; born 10 February 1956), is a Russian Woman International Grandmaster (WGM, 1986).
- Ocga
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Ludmila Numerology: Name Ludmila has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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