What does the name Lucio mean? What is the meaning of the name Lucio?
Meaning of Lucio: Name Lucio in the Latin, Italian, Spanish origin, means The one that brings light. Name Lucio is of Latin, Italian, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lucio are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lucio (Namesakes)
- Lucio Gutiérrez
Lucio Edwin Gutiérrez Borbúa (born March 23, 1957 in Quito) served as 43rd President of Ecuador from January 15, 2003 to April 20, 2005.
- Shannon Lucio
Shannon Lucio (born June 25, 1980) is an American actress.
- Lucio Tan
Lucio C. Tan, Sr. (simplified Chinese: 陈永栽; traditional Chinese: 陳永栽; pinyin: Chén Yǒngzāi; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tân Éng-chai; born July 17, 1934) is a Chinese Filipino billionaire businessman and educator with interests in banking, airline, liquor, tobacco, real estate industries, and education.
- Lucio Russo
Lucio Russo (born 22 November 1944) is an Italian physicist, mathematician and historian of science.
- Eddie Lucio Jr.
Eduardo Andres “Eddie” Lucio Jr. (born January 20, 1946) is a Democratic member of the Texas Senate, having represented the 27th District since 1991.
- Lucio Ianiero
Lucio Ianiero (born 13 December 1966) is a Canadian retired soccer player and coach who played in the Canadian Soccer League, American Professional Soccer League, Canadian National Soccer League, National Professional Soccer League, and the Canadian Professional Soccer League.
- Lucio Cecchinello
Lucio Cecchinello (born 21 October 1969 in Venice, Italy) is an Italian former professional motorcycle racer and current motorcycle racing team manager.
- Lucio Malan
Lucio Malan (born 30 July 1960) is an Italian politician.
- Lucio Mujesan
Lucio Mujesan (born January 11, 1943) is an Italian former footballer who scored 146 goals from 379 appearances in the Italian professional leagues.
- Lucio Stanca
Lucio Stanca (born 20 October 1941, in Lucera) is an Italian politician.
- Lucio Compagnucci
Lucio Compagnucci (born 23 February 1996) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a offensive midfielder for Gimnasia y Esgrima.
- Lucio Rossi
Lucio Rossi (born 24 September 1955) is an Italian physicist who is working in the field of superconductivity.
- Lucio Bianco
Lucio Bianco (born 16 December 1941) was an Italian engineer and President of the National Research Council from 1997 to 2003.
- Lucio Corsi
Lucio Corsi (born 15 October 1993) is an Italian singer-songwriter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Lucio Numerology: Name Lucio has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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