What does the name Lucie mean? What is the meaning of the name Lucie?
Meaning of Lucie: Name Lucie in the French, Latin origin, means graceful light. Name Lucie is of French, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lucie are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lucie (Namesakes)
- Lucie Arnaz
Lucie Désirée Arnaz (born July 17, 1951) is an American actress, singer, and producer.
- Lucie Silvas
Lucie Silvas (born Lucie Joanne Silverman, 4 September 1977) is a British singer-songwriter.
- Lucie Bílá
Lucie Bílá (born April 7, 1966 as Hana Zaňáková) is a Czech pop singer.
- Lucie Décosse
Lucie Décosse (born 6 August 1981 in Chaumont) is a retired female French judoka.
- Lucie Krausová
Lucie Krausová (born 10 March 1986) is a Czech former competitive figure skater.
- Lucie Vondráčková
Lucie Plekancová Vondráčková [Pronounced as pleh-kahn-tso-va: von-dra-ch-koh-va:] (born 8 March 1980 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech popular singer and theatre and film actress.
- Lucie Králová
Lucie Králová (born 10 February 1982 in Teplice, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech dancer, model and beauty pageant titleholder who won Miss Czech Republic as a 23-year-old in 2005.
- Lucie Váchová
Lucie Křížková (née Lucie Váchová, born 4 August 1984 in Příbram, Czechoslovakia) is a beauty queen who won Miss Czech Republic as an 18-year-old and represented her country in Miss World 2003 in China.
- Lucie Jones
Lucie Bethan Jones (born 20 March 1991) is a Welsh singer, actress, and model.
- Lucie Voňková
Lucie Voňková is a Czech football striker, currently playing for Ajax in the Eredivisie.
- Lucie Fialová
Lucie Fialová (born 22 July 1988 in Prague) is a professional squash player who represents Czech Republic.
- Lucie Kadlčáková
Lucie Kadlčáková (born 3 July 1982) is a Czech former ice dancer.
- Lucie Zedníčková
Lucie Zedníčková (born 15 November 1968) is a Czech actress.
- Lucie Jeanne
Lucie Jeanne (born 13 March 1976) is a French television actress.
- Lucie Hadašová
Lucie Bednářová Hadašová (born Lucie Hadašová, 8 July 1986) is a Czech model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Česká Miss 2007 and represented Czech Republic in Miss Universe 2007 and placed Top 15.
- Lucie Charvátová
Lucie Charvátová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈlut͡sɪjɛ ˈxarvaːtovaː]; born 1 February 1993) is a Czech biathlete.
- Lucie Pohl
Lucie Pohl (born April 15, 1983) is a German actress and stand-up comedian.
- Lucie Pudilová
Lucie Pudilová (born June 13, 1994) is a Czech mixed martial artist.
- Lucie Fink
Lucinda Beatrice Fink (born August 3, 1992)), better known as Lucie Fink, is an American YouTube personality and lifestyle host.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Lucie Numerology: Name Lucie has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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