What does the name Lu mean? What is the meaning of the name Lu
Meaning of Lu: Name Lu in the Germanic origin, means A light that shines upon a famous warrior. Name Lu is of Germanic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lu are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lu (Namesakes)
- Li Lu
Li Lu (born April 6, 1966) is a Chinese-born American investor and hedge fund manager.
- Ed Lu
Edward Tsang "Ed" Lu (simplified Chinese: 卢杰; traditional Chinese: 盧傑; pinyin: Lú Jié; born July 1, 1963) is an American physicist and former NASA astronaut.
- Lu Parker
Frances Louise "Lu" Parker (born April 16, 1968) is an American journalist, Miss USA 1994 winner, animal rights advocate, and motivational speaker.
- Lisa Lu
Lisa Lu Yan (simplified Chinese: 卢燕; traditional Chinese: 盧燕; pinyin: Lú Yàn; born July 8, 1927) is a Chinese actress and singer.
- Kristie Lu Stout
Kristie Lu Stout (simplified Chinese: 鲁可蒂; traditional Chinese: 魯可蒂; pinyin: Lǔ Kědì, born December 7, 1974) is an American journalist and news anchor for CNN International.
- Fanny Lu
Fanny Lucía Martínez Buenaventura (born February 8, 1973), better known professionally as Fanny Lu, is a Colombian singer, songwriter and actress from Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
- Chris Lu
Christopher P. Lu (simplified Chinese: 卢沛宁; traditional Chinese: 盧沛寧; pinyin: Lú Pèiníng; born June 12, 1966) is a former United States Deputy Secretary of Labor.
- Lu Chuan
Lu Chuan (born 8 February 1971) is a Chinese filmmaker, screenwriter and producer.
- Crowd Lu
Crowd Lu (Chinese: 盧廣仲; pinyin: Lú Guǎngzhòng; born 15 July 1985) is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter and actor.
- Lu Ning
Lu Ning (Chinese: 鲁宁, born 1 January 1994 in Jilin) is a professional snooker player from the People's Republic of China.
- Marie Lu
Marie Lu (born Xiwei Lu) is an American young adult author.
- Haley Lu Richardson
Haley Lu Richardson (born March 7, 1995) is an American actress.
- Lu Han
Lu Han (Chinese:鹿晗, born April 20, 1990), also known mononymously as Luhan, is a Chinese singer and actor.
- Cao Lu
Cao Lu (Chinese: 曹璐; born August 30, 1987) is a Chinese singer, actress and television personality.
- Johnny Lu
Johnny Lu (born May 8, 1977) is an American-Taiwanese actor.
- Joelle Lu
Joelle Lu (Chinese: 陸明君; pinyin: Lù Míngjūn) is a Taiwanese actress.
- Bai Lu (actress)
Bai Lu (Chinese: 白鹿; born 23 September 1994) is a Chinese actress.
- Lazda
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Lu Numerology: Name Lu has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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