What does the name Louie mean? What is the meaning of the name Louie
Meaning of Louie: Name Louie in the French origin, means From French name Louis meaning Knight, warrior. Name Louie is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Louie are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Louie: From French name Louis meaning Knight, warrior
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Famous people with name Louie (Namesakes)
- Louie Sibley
- Louie Anderson
Louis Perry Anderson (born March 24, 1953) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, author and game show host.
- Louie Gohmert
Louis Buller Gohmert Jr. (; born August 18, 1953) is an American attorney and former judge who currently serves as the U.S. Representative from Texas' 1st congressional district since 2005.
- Little Louie Vega
Luis Ferdinand Vega Jr. (born June 12, 1965), better known as "Little Louie" Vega, is an American DJ, record producer and Grammy Award winner remixer of Puerto Rican ancestry.
- Alexina Louie
Alexina Diane Louie, (born July 30, 1949) is a Canadian composer of contemporary art music.
- Louie Dampier
Louis Dampier (born November 20, 1944) is an American retired professional basketball player.
- Louie Clemente
Louie Clemente (born January 23, 1965) is a former drummer for the Bay Area thrash metal band Testament.
- Louie Pérez
Louis Frausto Pérez, Jr. (born January 29, 1953) is an American songwriter, percussionist and guitarist for Los Lobos and Latin Playboys.
Pérez started with Los Lobos playing primarily jarana (a small Mexican guitar) and singing.
- Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio (pronounced GIG-leo) is the pastor of Passion City Church, located in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Louie Soares
Louie Pierre Soares (born 8 January 1985) is a Barbadian footballer who currently plays for Bracknell Town as a midfielder.
- Louie Austen
Louie Austen (born Alois Luef on 19 September 1946) is an Austrian classically trained bar and jazz crooner who has been active in the electronic music scene.
- Brandt C. Louie
Brandt Channing Louie (born 5 July 1943) OBC (Chinese: 雷震瀛; pinyin: Léi Zhènyíng) is a Canadian accountant and businessman.
- Louie Spence
Louie Spence (born 6 April 1969) is an English dancer, choreographer and television personality, best known for the TV show Pineapple Dance Studios.
- King Louie (rapper)
Louis King Johnson, Jr. (born December 27, 1987), better known by his stage name King Louie (or King L), is an American rapper Actor from Chicago, Illinois.
- Louie Simmons
Louis Simmons (born 12 October 1947) is a former American powerlifter and current strength coach.
- Louie Palmer
Louie Palmer (born 1985) is an English drummer and session musician.
- Uncle Louie
Louis Gregory (born July 1978), also known as Uncle Louie, is an American actor, music producer, and talent manager.
- Louie Barry
Louie Barry (born 21 June 2003) is an English professional footballer who plays for Aston Villa, as a striker and winger.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Louie Numerology: Name Louie has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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