What does the name Lou mean? What is the meaning of the name Lou?
Meaning of Lou: Name Lou in the French, German origin, means French name for famous soldier, good warrior. Name Lou is of French, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lou are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lou (Namesakes)
- Lou Ferrigno
Louis Jude Ferrigno Sr. (; born November 9, 1951) is an American actor, fitness trainer, fitness consultant and retired professional bodybuilder.
- Lou Barlow
Louis Knox Barlow (born July 17, 1966) is an American alternative rock musician and songwriter.
- Lou Piniella
Louis Victor Piniella ( usually ; born August 28, 1943) is a former professional baseball player and manager.
- Lou Diamond Phillips
Louis Diamond Phillips (né Upchurch; born February 17, 1962) is a Filipino-American actor and film director.
- Lou Bega
David Lubega (born 13 April 1975), better known by his stage name Lou Bega, is a German recording artist.
- Lou Whitaker
Louis Rodman Whitaker Jr. (born May 12, 1957), nicknamed "Sweet Lou", is an American professional baseball second baseman who played for the Detroit Tigers of Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1977 to 1995.
- Lou Dobbs
Louis Carl Dobbs (born September 24, 1945) is an American television commentator, author, anti-immigration advocate, radio show host, and the anchor of Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox Business Network.
Dobbs started working with CNN at its inception in 1980, serving as a reporter and network vice president.
- Lou Holtz
Louis Leo Holtz (born January 6, 1937) is a former American football player, coach, and analyst.
- Lou Carnesecca
Luigi P. Carnesecca (born January 5, 1925) is an American retired college basketball coach at St.
- Lou Gramm
Lou Gramm (born Louis Andrew Grammatico; May 2, 1950) is an American rock singer-songwriter, best known for being the original lead singer of the rock band Foreigner.
- Lou Antonio
Louis "Lou" Antonio (born January 23, 1934) is an American actor and TV director best known for performing in the films Cool Hand Luke and America America.
- Lou Savarese
Lou Savarese (born July 14, 1965) is an American former professional boxer from Greenwood Lake, New York.
- Lou Christie
Lugee Alfredo Giovanni Sacco (born February 19, 1943), known professionally as Lou Christie, is an American singer-songwriter best known for several pop hits in the 1960s, including his 1966 "Lightnin' Strikes".
- Lou Marini
Louis William Marini Jr. (born May 13, 1945), known as "Blue Lou" Marini, is an American saxophonist, arranger, and composer.
- Lou Adler
Lester Louis Adler (born December 13, 1933) is an American record producer, music executive, talent manager, songwriter, film director, film producer, and co-owner of the Roxy Theatre in West Hollywood, California.
- Lou Williams
Louis Tyrone Williams (born October 27, 1986) is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Lou Doillon
Lou Doillon (born 4 September 1982 in Neuilly-sur-Seine) is a French singer-songwriter, artist, actress and model.
- Lou Romano
Lou Romano (born April 15, 1972) is an American animator and voice actor.
- Say Lou Lou
Say Lou Lou (formerly Saint Lou Lou) are a twin sister musical duo hailing from Australia and Sweden.
- Camille Lou
Camille Houssière, better known as Camille Lou or, formally, as Jimmie, is a French singer, musician, and actress born on 22 May in Bersillies, Nord, France.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Lou Numerology: Name Lou has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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