What does the name Lotte mean? What is the meaning of the name Lotte
Meaning of Lotte: Name Lotte in the Nordic origin, means Man who has his freedom. Name Lotte is of Nordic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Lotte (Namesakes)
- Lotte Vannieuwenborg
Lotte Vannieuwenborg (Dutch: [ˈlɔtə vɑˈniu.ə(m)bɔrx]; born 7 April 1987) is a Belgian actress.
- Lotte Kiærskou
Lotte Kiærskou (born 23 June 1975 in Frederikshavn, Nordjylland) is a former Danish team handball player and two times Olympic champion.
- Lotte Horne
Lotte Horne (born 3 June 1943) is a Danish film actress.
- Lotte Verbeek
Lotte Verbeek (born 24 June 1982) is a Dutch actress, dancer and model.
- Lotte Smiseth Sejersted
Lotte Smiseth Sejersted (born 5 March 1991) is a retired Norwegian alpine skier.
- Lotte Salling
Lotte Salling is a Danish writer born on February 9, 1964, in Århus, Denmark.
- Lotte Grigel
Lotte Grigel (born 5 April 1991) is a Danish handball player for Nantes Loire Atlantique Handball and the Danish national team.
- Lotte Eriksen
Lotte Eriksen (born 24 January 1987, in Stavanger) is a professional squash player who represents Norway.
- Lotte van Hoek
Lotte van Hoek (born 8 August 1991) is a Dutch former professional racing cyclist, who rode professionally between 2015 and 2018, for the Feminine Cycling Team and Doltcini–Van Eyck.
- Lotte Egging
Lotte Egging (born 8 June 1988) is a Dutch former cricketer.
- Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen
Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (born 13 October 1972) is a Danish Olympic sailor competing in match racing.
- Lotte Wæver
Lotte Wæver (born 17 February 1942) is a Danish former actress and television presenter.
- Lotte Bagge
Lotte Bagge (born 21 May 1968) is a Danish footballer who played as a midfielder for the Denmark women's national football team.
- Lotte Wubben-Moy
Carlotte Mae "Lotte" Wubben-Moy (born 11 January 1999) is an English footballer who plays college soccer for the North Carolina Tar Heels in the United States.
- Lotte Vandendriessche
Lotte Vandendriessche (born (1997-04-05)5 April 1997 Turnhout) is a Belgian female volleyball player.
- Lotte Schädle
Lotte Schädle (born 23 October 1926) is a German soprano in opera, operetta, lied and concert.
- Lotte Rotman
Lotte Rotman (born 19 June 1999) is a Belgian professional racing cyclist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Lotte Numerology: Name Lotte has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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