What does the name Lotta mean? What is the meaning of the name Lotta
Meaning of Lotta: Name Lotta in the Nordic origin, means Short from Charlotte; free woman. Name Lotta is of Nordic origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Lotta: Short from Charlotte; free woman
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Famous people with name Lotta (Namesakes)
- Lotta Tejle
Lotta Tejle (born 17 March 1960) is a Swedish actress.
- Lotta Schelin
Charlotta Eva "Lotta" Schelin (born 27 February 1984) is a Swedish former professional footballer who most recently played as a striker for FC Rosengård of the Damallsvenskan.
- Lotta Engberg
- This page is about the singer Lotta Engberg and the dansbands Lotta & Anders Engbergs orkester, Lotta Engbergs orkester / Lotta Engbergs
Anna Charlotte "Lotta" Engberg (née Pedersen; 5 March 1963 in Överkalix, Norrbotten County, Sweden) is a Swedish pop singer and later in life a successful television host, notably with music show Lotta på Liseberg and the game show Bingolotto.
- Lotta Hedlund
Charlotte Jean "Lotta" Hedlund (born Charlotte Jean Butler; March 10, 1944, later Charlotte Walker) is an American-Swedish singer who has been living in Sweden since the late 1960s.
- Tomi Lotta
Tomi Lotta (born 1 January 1976) is a Finnish strongman competitor.
- Lotta Näkyvä
Lotta Hintsa (born 14 December 1988) is a Finnish model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Finland 2013.
- Lotta Lundgren
Lotta Lundgren (born 26 January 1971) is a Swedish television presenter and food writer.
- Lotta Falkenbäck
Charlotte "Lotta" Falkenbäck (born 22 May 1959) is a Swedish former competitive figure skater.
- Lotta Bromé
Charlotta "Lotta" Bromé (born 18 December 1964) is a Swedish presenter and host in radio and television.
- Lotta Losten
Lotta Losten (born 7 November 1981) is a Swedish actress, designer, and photographer.
- Lotta Ökvist
Lotta Ökvist (born 17 February 1997) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a defender for Manchester United in the FA WSL and the Sweden national team.
- Eva-Lotta Kiibus
Eva-Lotta Kiibus (born 17 January 2003) is an Estonian figure skater.
- Lotta Ramel
Charlotte Ramel, (born 29 September 1957) is a Swedish actress and director.
- Lotta Giesenfeld
Lotta Giesenfeld (born March 11, 1962) is a Swedish female curler.
- Lotta Immonen
Lotta Immonen (born March 22, 1996) is a Finnish female curler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Lotta Numerology: Name Lotta has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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