What does the name Llewellyn mean? What is the meaning of the name Llewellyn
Meaning of Llewellyn: Name Llewellyn in the Welsh origin, means An image of the leader. Name Llewellyn is of Welsh origin and is a Boy name. People with name Llewellyn are usually Judaism by religion.
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Llewellyn
Famous people with name Llewellyn (Namesakes)
- Llewellyn Riley
Llewellyn Riley (born 17 September 1972) is a Barbadian footballer, who plays as a striker.
- Robert Llewellyn
Robert Llewellyn (born 10 March 1956) is a British actor, comedian, presenter and writer.
- Roddy Llewellyn
Sir Roderic Victor Llewellyn, 5th Baronet (born 9 October 1947), is a British baronet, landscape gardener, journalist, author, and television presenter.
- Gareth Llewellyn
Gareth Owen Llewellyn (born 27 February 1969), is a Welsh former rugby union player who gained a record 92 caps for Wales as a lock.
- Chris Llewellyn
Christopher Mark "Chris" Llewellyn (born 28 August 1979) is a Welsh football coach and former professional footballer who is currently manager of the Colchester United under-18 team.
- Christopher Llewellyn Smith
- Edward Llewellyn, Baron Llewellyn of Steep
Edward David Gerard Llewellyn, Baron Llewellyn of Steep, (born 23 September 1965) is Her Majesty's Ambassador to France.
- Andy Llewellyn
Andrew David Llewellyn (born 26 February 1966) is an English former professional footballer who made more than 300 appearances in the Football League and represented England at youth level.
- Morgan Llewellyn
Richard Morgan Llewellyn, (born 22 August 1937) is a retired senior British Army officer.
- Mike Llewellyn
Michael John Llewellyn (born 27 November 1953) is a former Welsh cricketer.
- Peter Llewellyn Williams
Peter Llewellyn Williams (born 21 March 1964) is a British stage and television actor.
- Carl Llewellyn
Carl Llewellyn (born 29 July 1965) is an assistant racehorse trainer to Nigel Twiston-Davies and a retired Welsh professional National Hunt jockey.
- Robert Llewellyn (photographer)
Robert Llewellyn (born December 29, 1945) is an American photographer whose images have served as the basis for numerous books and exhibits.
- Max Llewellyn
Max Llewellyn (born 13 January 1999) is a Welsh rugby union player who plays for Cardiff Blues as a centre.
- Clive Llewellyn
Clive Llewellyn (born 27 March 1953) is a Canadian wrestler.
- Suzette Llewellyn
Do you know any famous people named Llewellyn, let us know and we would update the information.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Llewellyn Numerology: Name Llewellyn has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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