What does the name Liviu mean? What is the meaning of the name Liviu
Meaning of Liviu: Name Liviu in the Romanian origin, means A man who envies others. Name Liviu is of Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Liviu are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Liviu (Namesakes)
- Liviu Ionuț Mihai
- Liviu Pop
Liviu-Marian Pop (born 10 May 1974) is a Romanian politician, who is a member of the Social Democratic Party.
- Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu (born 1 August 1976) is a Romanian (until 2014) and German (since 2014) chess grandmaster.
- Liviu Ciobotariu
Liviu Ciobotariu (born 26 March 1971) is a Romanian professional football coach and former player who is the manager of the Lebanon national team.
- Liviu Mihai
Liviu Mihai (born 17 May 1977 in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County) is a retired Romanian professional football player.
- Liviu Negoiță
Liviu Gheorghe Negoiţă (born 22 March 1962) is a Romanian politician and lawyer, member of the Democratic Liberal Party and the former mayor of Bucharest's Sector 3.
- Liviu Floricel
- Liviu Hapaină
Liviu Hapaină (born 20 April 1978) is a former Romanian football player.
- Liviu Negoiță (footballer)
Giani Liviu Negoiţă (born 8 May 1977, Braşov, Romania) is a former Romanian footballer.
- Liviu Ganea
Liviu Adrian Ganea (born 23 February 1988) is a Romanian professional footballer who played as a striker for Liga IV side Carmen București.
- Liviu Băjenaru
- Liviu Dragnea
Liviu Nicolae Dragnea (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈlivju nikoˈla.e ˈdraɡne̯a]; born 28 October 1962) is a Romanian engineer and politician.
- Liviu Antal
Liviu Ion Antal (born 2 June 1989) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Lithuanian club Žalgiris.
- Liviu Gheorghe
Liviu Cosmin Gheorghe (born 2 August 1999) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Înainte Modelu, on loan from Dinamo București.
- Liviu Hodorcă
Liviu Hodorcă (born July 1, 1961) is a former Romanian rugby union football player.
- Liviu Răducanu
Liviu Răducanu (born 25 May 1954) is a Romanian water polo player.
- Liviu Goian
Liviu Goian (born 18 November 1965) is a Romanian former footballer who played as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Liviu Numerology: Name Liviu has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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