What does the name Lis mean? What is the meaning of the name Lis
Meaning of Lis: Name Lis in the Nordic origin, means Scandinavian name meaning God is my oath. Name Lis is of Nordic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lis are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lis (Namesakes)
- Lis Wiehl
Lis Wiehl (born August 19, 1961) is a New York Times bestselling American author of fiction and nonfiction books, and a legal analyst.
- Hanna Lis
Hanna Lis, née Kedaj (first married name Smoktunowicz) (born 13 May 1970 in Warsaw) is a Polish TV journalist.
- Tomasz Lis
Tomasz Rafał Lis [ˈtɔmaʂ ˈlis] (listen) (born 6 March 1966 in Zielona Góra) is a Polish journalist and former TV anchor of “TVN Fakty” ("TVN Facts") and “Wydarzenia” ("Events").
- Lis Sørensen
Lis Sørensen (born 28 May 1955) is a Danish pop singer.
- Sergio De Lis
Sergio de Lis de Andrés (born 19 May 1986 in San Sebastián, Basque Country) is a retired Spanish professional road bicycle racer who rode for two seasons for UCI ProTour team Euskaltel-Euskadi.
- Andrzej Lis
Andrzej Lis (born 16 December 1959) is a Polish fencer.
- Oliver Lis
Óliver Lis or Andres Oliver Ucros & Licht (born 17 October 1984) is an editor, literary agent, author, psychologist, film producer, screenwriter.
- Lis Nilheim
Karen Lis Nilheim (born 5 June 1944) is a Swedish actress.
- Mateusz Lis
Mateusz Lis (born 27 February 1997) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Wisła Kraków.
- Liam Lis
Liam Lis is a pop singer-songwriter from New York City.
- Lis Shoshi
Lis Shoshi (born June 29, 1994) is a Kosovan professional basketball player who is currently a free agent.
- Lis Vega
Lis Vega is a Cuban actress, singer, vedette and model, best known for her roles in the Mexican TV series Santa Diabla and Amorcito corazón.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Lis Numerology: Name Lis has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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