What does the name Lior mean? What is the meaning of the name Lior
Meaning of Lior: Name Lior in the Hebrew, Israeli origin, means The light of me. Name Lior is of Hebrew, Israeli origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lior are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lior (Namesakes)
- Lior Narkis
Lior Narkis (Hebrew: ליאור נרקיס; born November 8, 1976 in Holon, Israel) is an Israeli singer.
- Lior Ashkenazi
Lior Ashkenazi (Hebrew: ליאור אשכנזי; born 28 December 1968) is an Israeli screen and stage actor.
- Lior Asulin
Lior Asulin (Hebrew: ליאור אסולין; born 6 October 1980) is a male Israeli footballer.
- Lior Eliyahu
Lior Eliyahu (Hebrew: לִיאוֹר אֱלִיָּהוּ; born September 9, 1985) is an Israeli professional basketball player for Maccabi Ashdod of the Israeli Premier League.
- Lior Refaelov
Lior Refaelov (or Rafaelov, Hebrew: ליאור רפאלוב; born 26 April 1986) is an Israeli footballer who plays for Royal Antwerp as an attacking midfielder or winger.
- Lior Jean
Lior Jean (Hebrew: ליאור ז'אן; born August 20, 1986) is an Israeli footballer who currently plays for Hapoel Baqa al-Gharbiyye.
- Lior Miller
Lior Miller (Hebrew: ליאור מילר; born 13 February 1972) is an Israeli film and television actor, DJ, and model.
- Lior Etter
Lior Bela Etter (born 21 January 1990) is a Swiss football midfielder who played for FC Lucerne in the Swiss Super League until 2010.
- Lior Ron
Lior Ron (born December 12, 1982) is an Israeli–American entrepreneur and music composer based in Los Angeles.
- Lior Goldenberg
Lior Goldenberg (born September 28, 1974) is a producer and mixer from Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Lior Genish
Lior Genish is a former Israeli footballer who played in Maccabi Netanya.
- Lior Levi
Lior Levi (Hebrew: ליאור לוי; born 26 October 1987) is an Israeli footballer who currently plays for Hapoel Azor in Liga Alef.
- Lior Schleien
Lior Schleien (Hebrew: ליאור שליין; born 1 July 1978) is an Israeli television producer and host.
- Lior Edri
Rabbi Lior Edri (Hebrew: ליאור אדרי, born 13 February 1979) is an Israeli rabbi and politician.
- Lior Inbrum
Lior Inbrum (Hebrew: אור אינברום; born 12 January 1996) is an Israeli professional footballer who plays as a winger for Maccabi Petah Tikva on loan from Gent.
- Lior Pachter
Lior Samuel Pachter is a computational biologist.
- Lior Mor
Lior Mor (born 29 February 1976) is a former professional tennis player from Israel.
- Lior Lubin
Lior Lubin (Hebrew: ליאור ליובין) (born 19 September 1979) is an Israeli professional basketball coach and former national team player.
- Lior Raz
Lior Raz (Hebrew: ליאור רז; born 24 November 1971) is an Israeli actor and screenwriter.
- Lior Suchard
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Lior Numerology: Name Lior has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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