What does the name Linnea mean? What is the meaning of the name Linnea
Meaning of Linnea: Name Linnea in the Finnish, Swedish origin, means A Girl whose beauty can be compared to a twinflower. Name Linnea is of Finnish, Swedish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Linnea are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Linnea: A Girl whose beauty can be compared to a twinflower
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Famous people with name Linnea (Namesakes)
- Linnea Quigley
Barbara Linnea Quigley (born May 27, 1958) is an American actress, film producer, model, singer, and author.
- Linnea Mellgren
Linnea Mellgren (born 17 May 1989) is a Swedish figure skater.
- Linnea Dale
Linnea Dale (born 22 April 1991) is a Norwegian singer.
- Linnea Henriksson
Ellen 'Linnea' Petrea Henriksson (born 9 November 1986) is a Swedish singer and songwriter who participated in Idol 2010 in which she placed fourth.
- Linnea Sjöblom
Linnea Sjöblom (born 12 November 1989) is a Swedish racing cyclist.
- Linnea Deb
Linnéa Mary Hansdotter Deb (née Sporre; born 23 July 1977), known professionally as Linnea Deb, is a Swedish singer, songwriter and producer.
- Linnea Jonasson
Linnea Jonasson (born 7 December 1997) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Vittsjö GIK.
- Linnea Stensils
Linnea Stensils (born 8 March 1994) is a Swedish canoeist.
- Linnea Quinones
Linnea Andrea Quiñones Sandland (born 17 July 1980), known as Lenny Quinones, is an American-born Mexican former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Linnea Berthelsen
Linnea Berthelsen (born 13 July 1993) is a Danish actress who is best known for her recurring role as Kali “Eight” Prasad, the "sister" of Jane "Eleven" Ives in the second season of the science-fiction horror Netflix original series Stranger Things.
- Linnea Axelsson
Linnea Axelsson (born 10 December 1980) is a Sami-Swedish art scholar, novelist and poet.
- Linnea Gonzales
- Linnea Hedin
Linnea Johanna Hedin is a Swedish ice hockey player.
- Linnea Ceder
Linnea Ceder (born 8 August 2002) is a Finnish figure skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Linnea Numerology: Name Linnea has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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