What does the name Ling mean? What is the meaning of the name Ling
Meaning of Ling: Name Ling in the Chinese origin, means A chime of the spirits, a soul. Name Ling is of Chinese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Ling are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Ling (Namesakes)
- Chai Ling
Chai Ling (Chinese: 柴玲; Pinyin: Chái Líng) (born April 15, 1966, in Rizhao, Shandong Province, People's Republic of China) is a Chinese psychologist who was one of the student leaders in the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
- Bai Ling
Bai Ling (Chinese: 白灵, born October 10, 1966) is a Chinese-American actress known for her work in films such as The Crow, Red Corner, Crank: High Voltage, Three...
- Gao Ling
Gao Ling (Chinese: 高崚; pinyin: Gāo Líng; born March 14, 1979, in Wuhan, Hubei; China) is a former badminton player from the People's Republic of China.
- Lisa Ling
Lisa J. Ling (born August 30, 1973) is an American journalist, television presenter, and author.
- Ling Tan
Tan Mang Ling (born 9 October 1974 in Kuala Lumpur), usually credited as Ling Tan, is a Malaysian model of Chinese descent, based in New York City.
- David Ling
David Gregory Ling (born January 9, 1975) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward.
- Tse Ling-ling
Hsieh Ling-ling (Chinese: 謝玲玲, born on 20 September 1956) is a Taiwanese-born child star and the ex-wife of Hong Kong billionaire Peter Lam.
- Pam Ling
Pam Ling (born April 21, 1968) is an American physician, best known as a castmate on The Real World: San Francisco, the third season of MTV's long-running reality television show.
- Julia Ling
Julia Ling, born Xiao Wei Lin (Chinese: 林小微; pinyin: Lín Xiǎowēi) is an American actress.
- Ling Jihua
Ling Jihua (Chinese: 令计划; born 22 October 1956) is a former Chinese politician as one of the principal political advisers of former leader Hu Jintao.
- Laura Ling
Laura Ling (born December 1, 1976) is an American journalist and writer.
- Lin Chi-ling
- Ling Ling Chang
Ling Ling Chang (born July 24, 1976) is an American politician who is currently serving in the California State Senate, representing the 29th district, encompassing parts of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties.
- Hong Ling (Singaporean actress)
Hong Ling (born Somaline Ang Ling; Chinese: 洪凌; pinyin: Hóng Líng; 16 August 1994) is a Singaporean actress.
- Richard Ling
Richard Ling (Rich Ling) is a communications scholar who focuses on mobile communication.
- Sergey Ling
Sergey Stepanovich Ling (Belarusian: Сяргей Сцяпанавіч Лінг, Syarhey Stsyapanavich Ling; Russian: Сергей Степанович Линг; born 7 May 1937) is a Belarusian politician and agronomist.
- Ling Kai
Ling Kai (Simplified Chinese: 铃凯; Traditional Chinese: 鈴凱; Pinyin: Líng Kǎi; born October 26, 1986), is a bilingual Singaporean singer-songwriter.
- Xinsheng Ling
Xinsheng Sean Ling (Chinese: 凌新生; pinyin: Líng Xīnshēng; born February 15, 1964) is a Chinese-American physicist and professor at Brown University.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Ling Numerology: Name Ling has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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