What does the name Lindberg mean? What is the meaning of the name Lindberg
Meaning of Lindberg: Name Lindberg in the Germanic origin, means One who comes from the hill where the linden tree grow. Name Lindberg is of Germanic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lindberg are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lindberg (Namesakes)
- Tomas Lindberg
Tomas "Tompa" Lindberg (born 16 October 1972 in Gothenburg) is a Swedish musician who has fronted many death metal bands, most notably At the Gates.
- Christian Lindberg
Christian Lindberg (born 15 February 1958) is a Swedish trombonist, conductor and composer,
- Jim Lindberg
James William Lindberg (born July 26, 1965) is an American singer and guitarist.
- Christina Lindberg
Britt Christina Marinette Lindberg (born 6 December 1950, in Gothenburg, Sweden) is a Swedish journalist known internationally for her work as an actress and glamour model in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
- Ylva Lindberg
Ylva Lindberg (née Martinsen born 29 June 1976) is a Swedish retired ice hockey player.
- Christina Lindberg (singer)
- For the Swedish journalist, actress, model, see Christina Lindberg
Christina Lindberg (born November 4, 1968), is a Swedish country and dansband singer.
Christina has sung together with the "dansband" Lasse Stefanz and is probably most known for the song "De sista ljuva åren", which was a Svensktoppen hit from February 1989 and the upcoming 65 weeks, until September 1990.
- Janne Lindberg
Janne Lindberg (born 24 May 1966 in Kuusankoski) is a Finnish former professional footballer managing Finnish fourth-tier side Sudet.
- Chad Lindberg
Chad Tyler Lindberg (born November 1, 1976) is an American actor.
- Gunner Lindberg
Gunner Jay Lindberg (born March 1, 1975) is a convicted murderer on death row in California.
- Oscar Lindberg (ice hockey)
Oscar Lindberg (born 29 October 1991) is a Swedish professional ice hockey player who is currently playing with EV Zug of the National League (NL).
- Pernilla Lindberg
Pernilla Lindberg (born 13 July 1986) is a Swedish professional golfer on the U.S.-based LPGA Tour and the Ladies European Tour.
- Göran Lindberg
Karl Göran Gustav Lindberg (born 25 April 1946, in Uppsala) is a Swedish convicted serial rapist and a former police chief.
- Mette Lindberg
Mette Lindberg (born 2 December 1983) is a Danish vocalist for psychedelic pop group The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, paired with songwriter/producer Lars Iversen.
- Madeleine Lindberg
Madeleine Lindberg (born 1 March 1972) is a road cyclist from Sweden.
- Van Lindberg
Van Lindberg (born June 25, 1976) is an American attorney, software developer, and author.
- Jenny Lee Lindberg
Jennifer "Jenny" Lee Lindberg (born July 30, 1981) is an American musician, singer-songwriter and record producer, best known as the bassist of the indie rock band Warpaint.
- Tobias Lindberg
Tobias Lindberg (born 22 July 1995) is a Swedish professional ice hockey winger who is currently an unrestricted free agent.
- Morten Lindberg (sound engineer)
Morten Lindberg (born 15 August 1970 in Skien, Norway) is a Norwegian sound engineer and music producer, specialising in classical music productions.
- Jarmo Lindberg
Jarmo Ilmari Lindberg (born 10 June 1959) is a retired Finnish general and former Chief of Defence from 2014 to 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Lindberg Numerology: Name Lindberg has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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