What does the name Liliane mean? What is the meaning of the name Liliane?
Meaning of Liliane: Name Liliane in the French origin, means Symbol of innocence and beauty. Name Liliane is of French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Liliane are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Liliane (Namesakes)
- Liliane Maury Pasquier
Liliane Maury Pasquier (born 16 December 1956) is a Swiss politician, member of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland, elected to the Swiss Council of States for the canton of Geneva in 2007, and is currently a member of a delegation that cooperates with the French parliament to foster cooperation between the countries.
- Liliane Saint-Pierre
Liliane Saint-Pierre (born Liliane Louise Keuninckx, 18 December 1948) is a Belgian (Flemish) singer who sings mainly in Dutch.
- Liliane Ferrarezi
Liliane Ferrarezi (born June 26, 1988) is a Brazilian model who came to national attention in 2002, when she was the winner out of 350,000 entrants competing in the Brazilian round of the Supermodel of the World contest.
- Liliane Lijn
Liliane Lijn (born 1939), is an American-born artist who was the first woman artist to work with kinetic text (Poem Machines), exploring both light and text as early as 1962; and in addition, she is in all likelihood the first woman artist to have exhibited a work incorporating an electric motor.
- Liliane Rovère
Liliane Rovère (born 30 January 1933) is a French actress.
- Liliane Tanguy
Liliane Tanguy (born 12 March 1967) is a French politician of La République En Marche!
- Liliane Fernandes
Liliane Cristina Barbosa Fernandes (born 8 October 1987) is a Brazilian sprinter specialising in the 400 metres hurdles.
- Liliane Haegeman
Liliane Madeleine Victor Haegeman ARB (born 1 July 1954) is a Belgian professor of linguistics at Ghent University.
- Liliane Montagne
Liliane Montagne (born 16 March 1931) is a French gymnast.
- Liliane Clase
Liliane Lisbeth Clase Báez (born 29 July 2003) is a Dominican footballer who plays as a right winger for Delfines del Este FC and the Dominican Republic women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Liliane Numerology: Name Liliane has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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