What does the name Lidija mean? What is the meaning of the name Lidija
Meaning of Lidija: Name Lidija in the Serbian, Slovene, Russian origin, means She who is from an ancient Kingdom of Lydia. Name Lidija is of Serbian, Slovene, Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lidija are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lidija (Namesakes)
- Lidija Bajuk
Lidija Bajuk (born November 23, 1965 in Čakovec, SR Croatia, Yugoslavia) is a Croatian singer-songwriter and poet.
- Lidija Vukićević
Lidija Vukićević (Serbian Cyrillic: Лидија Вукићевић; born 20 July 1962) is a Serbian film and TV actress and politician.
- Lidija Horvat
Lidija Horvat (born 5 May 1982) is a Croatian handball player, who currently plays for the Romanian club Rapid Bucuresti and for the Croatia women's national handball team.
- Lidija Bizjak
Lidija Bizjak (Лидија Бизјак, [lidija bizjak], born 2 August 1976), is a concert pianist.
- Lidija Kuliš
Lidija Kuliš (born 2 May 1992) is a Bosnian football striker who plays for Italian club A.C. Milan.
- Lidija Vučković
Lidija Vučković (Serbian Cyrillic: Лидија Вучковић; born 10 February 1988) is a former Serbian professional basketball player.
- Lidija Abrlić
Lidija Abrlić, married Gnjidić (born September 13, 1969 in Senj, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Yugoslavian and Croatian basketball player.
- Lidija Turčinović
Lidija Turčinović (Serbian Cyrillic: Лидија Турчиновић; born August 27, 1994) is a Serbian-French women's basketball player.
- Lidija Pozaić Frketić
Lidija Pozaić Frketić of Croatia (born 23 September 1974) is one of 12 elected volunteer members of the World Scout Committee, the main executive body of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, in charge of international relations.
She has addressed the European Parliament and the World Bank.
- Lidija Cvijić
Lidija Cvijić (born 25 May 1998) is a Serbian handball player for Toulon Saint-Cyr Var Handball and the Serbian national team.
- Lidija Benedetič-Lapajne
Lidija Benedetič-Lapajne (born 1 April 1959) is a Slovenian athlete.
- Lidija Bačić
Lidija Bačić (born 4 August 1985 in Split, Croatia, ), also known as Lille, is a Croatian pop singer and actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Lidija Numerology: Name Lidija has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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