What does the name Liang mean? What is the meaning of the name Liang?
Meaning of Liang: Name Liang in the Chinese origin, means A feeling of elevation; A light of lighr. Name Liang is of Chinese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Liang are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Liang (Namesakes)
- Tsai Ming-liang
Tsai Ming-liang (Chinese: 蔡明亮; pinyin: Cài Míngliàng; born 27 October 1957) is a Taiwanese filmmaker.
- Tian Liang
Tian Liang (Chinese: 田亮; pinyin: Tián Liàng; born August 27, 1979 in Chongqing) is a male Chinese actor and former diver.
- Beatrisa Liang
Beatrisa "Bebe" Liang (born March 31, 1988) is an American figure skater.
- Liang Wenbo
Liang Wenbo (Chinese: 梁文博, pinyin: Liáng Wénbó; born 5 March 1987) is a Chinese professional snooker player.
- Liang Fuliang
Liang Fuliang (Chinese: 梁富亮, born 12 January 1983) is a Chinese gymnast.
- Liang Jinrong
Liang Jinrong (Chinese: 梁金荣; born May 21, 1960) is a Chinese chess Grandmaster.
- Liang Chow
Liang Chow (formerly Qiao Liang; simplified Chinese: 乔良; traditional Chinese: 喬良; pinyin: Qiáo Liáng) (born January 1, 1968) is a Chinese former artistic gymnast.
- Liang Wenhao
Liang Wenhao (Chinese: 梁文豪; pinyin: Liáng Wénháo; born July 6, 1992) is a Chinese male short track speed skater.
- Min-Liang Tan
Min-Liang Tan (simplified Chinese: 陈民亮; traditional Chinese: 陳民亮; pinyin: Chén Mínliàng) is a Singaporean entrepreneur.
- Awonder Liang
Awonder Liang (born April 9, 2003) is an American chess prodigy.
- Liang Bo
Liang Bo (Chinese: 梁博; pinyin: Liáng Bó; born March 25, 1991), also known as Bruce Liang, is a Chinese pop rock singer-songwriter.
- Liang Yanfeng
Liang Yanfeng (Chinese: 梁岩峰; Pinyin: Liáng Yánfēng; born 18 April 1987) is a Chinese football player who currently plays for China League Two side Yanbian Beiguo.
- Tan Tao-liang
Tan Tao-liang (Chinese: 譚道良; Tan Dao-liang; born 22 December 1947) is a Chinese martial arts instructor and former film actor.
- Liang Xiaosheng
Liang Xiaosheng (simplified Chinese: 梁晓声; traditional Chinese: 梁曉聲; pinyin: Liáng Xiǎoshēng) (born 22 September 1949) is a Chinese novelist and screenwriter.
- Liang Jing
Liang Jing (born July 17, 1972) is a Chinese actress..
- Liang Xinping
Liang Xinping (Chinese: 梁馨枰, born 31 July 1994) is a Chinese competitor in synchronised swimming.
- Liang Jingkun
Liang Jingkun is a Chinese table tennis player.
A top junior player with huge potential, Liang made a breakthrough in 2015 when he was surprisingly selected to represent China at the World Table Tennis Championships.
- Liang Xin
Liang Xin (born 7 March 1975) is a Chinese basketball player.
- Liang Jinhu
Liang Jinhu (Chinese: 梁金虎; pinyin: Liáng Jīnhǔ; born 18 January 1997) is a Chinese footballer who currently plays for Nanjing Shaye in the China League Two.
- Liang Jie (actress)
Liang Jie (Chinese: 梁洁, born June 16, 1994) is a Chinese actress.
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Bharani Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Liang Numerology: Name Liang has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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