What does the name Liane mean? What is the meaning of the name Liane
Meaning of Liane: Name Liane in the English origin, means A binding relationship between two people. Name Liane is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Liane are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Liane (Namesakes)
- Liane Hansen
Liane Hansen (; born September 29, 1951, Worcester, Massachusetts) is an American journalist and radio personality who was senior host of the National Public Radio newsmagazine Weekend Edition Sunday until her retirement in May 2011.
- Liane Carroll
Liane Carroll (born 9 February 1964, London) is an English vocalist, pianist and keyboardist.
Jazz critic Dave Gelly of The Observer has described her as "one of the most stylistically flexible pianists around, with a marvellous, slightly husky singing voice".
- Liane Balaban
Liane Balaban (born June 24, 1980) is a Canadian actress.
- Liane Buhr
Liane Buhr (née Weigelt, born 11 March 1956 in Pritzwalk, Bezirk Potsdam) is a German rowing coxswain who competed for the SG Dynamo Potsdam / Sportvereinigung (SV) Dynamo.
- Liane Foly
Liane Foly (born 16 December 1962, in Lyon) is a popular French blues and jazz singer, actress, presenter and impressionist.
- Liane Curtis
Liane Alexandra Curtis (born July 11, 1965) is an American film and television actress and musician, known for her appearances in B movies as Critters 2: The Main Course and Girlfriend from Hell, as well as smaller roles in films such as Sixteen Candles.
- Liane Davey
Liane Margaret Davey (born 1972) is a psychologist, author, public speaker, and business strategist.
- Teressa Liane
Teressa Liane is an Australian actress.
- Liane Lippert
Liane Lippert (born 13 January 1998 in Friedrichshafen) is a German cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's WorldTeam Team Sunweb.
Lippert started her career in local club RSV Seerose Friedrichshafen in 2008.
- Liane Sorenson
Liane Sorenson (born August 13, 1947) is an American politician who served in the Delaware House of Representatives from the 12th district from 1993 to 1995 and in the Delaware Senate from the 6th district from 1995 to 2013.
- Liane Fenwick
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Liane Numerology: Name Liane has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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