What does the name Liana mean? What is the meaning of the name Liana
Meaning of Liana: Name Liana in the Latin, Persian, French origin, means To be bound by vines; A lady that glows; My God has answered. Name Liana is of Latin, Persian, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Liana are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Liana: To be bound by vines; A lady that glows; My God has answered
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Famous people with name Liana (Namesakes)
- Liana Kanelli
- Liana Liberato
Liana Daine Liberato (born August 20, 1995) is an American actress.
- Liana Bridges
Liana Bridges (born 25 December 1969) is a British actress, best known for co-presenting Sooty & Co. with Matthew Corbett and Richard Cadell in 1998, and Sooty Heights with Richard Cadell from 1999-2000.
When Sooty Heights ended, her place as co-presenter was taken by Vicki Lee Taylor in the replacement series, Sooty.
- Liana Orfei
Liana Orfei (born 6 June 1937) is an Italian actress and circus artist.
- Liana Ungur
Liana-Gabriela Ungur (née Balaci; born 2 January 1985) is a former Romanian tennis player.
- Liana Isakadze
Liana Isakadze (Georgian: ლიანა ისაკაძე, Russian: Лиана Александровна Исакадзе, German: Liana Isakadse) (born August 2, 1946) is a Georgian violinist.
- Liana Kerzner
Liana Kerzner (born (1978-02-15)15 February 1978), known professionally by her stage name Liana K, is a Canadian YouTuber.
- Liana Drahová
Liana Drahová Vozárová (born 22 April 1953 in Liberec) is a Slovak former figure skater who competed for Czechoslovakia.
- Liana Churilova
Liana Churilova (born April 25, 1991) is a professional ballroom dancer based in New York City.
- Liana Mirashnichenka
Liana Mirashnichenka (born 15 December 1988) is a Belarusian football midfielder currently playing for FC Minsk.
- Dewi Liana Seriestha
Dewi Liana Seriestha (born 7 September 1989) is a Malaysian singer, model and a former beauty pageant titleholder.
- Liana Salazar
Liana Milena Salazar Vergara (born 16 September 1992) is a Colombian footballer who plays for the club Independiente Santa Fe as a midfielder.
- Oei Liana
Oei Liana (born 30 November 1952) is an American former swimmer of Chinese Indonesian background who represented the Republic of China (Taiwan) in international competition.
- Liana Vicens
Liana Vicens (born 25 November 1956) is a Puerto Rican former swimmer.
- Liana Hayrapetyan
Liana Hayrapetyan (born 14 July 1975) is a professional football player and manager in Armenia and coach who currently manage Football team in Football Federation of Armenia on position of head coach of Armenian women's team U-19.
- Liana Hinds
Liana Kayla-Marie Hinds (born 23 February 1995) is an American-born Trinidadian footballer who plays as a defender for Swedish club Sundsvalls DFF and the Trinidad and Tobago women's national team.
- Lily Estelita Liana
Lily Estelita Liana (born 22 July 1993) or popularly known as Estelita Liana is an Indonesian doctor, fashion model and a beauty pageant titleholder who won the title of Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2014.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Liana Numerology: Name Liana has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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