What does the name Lian mean? What is the meaning of the name Lian
Meaning of Lian: Name Lian in the Chinese origin, means She who is graceful as a willow, a lotus flower. Name Lian is of Chinese origin and is a Girl name. People with name Lian are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Lian (Namesakes)
- Yi Jianlian
Yi Jianlian (simplified Chinese: 易建联; traditional Chinese: 易建聯; pinyin: Yì Jiànlián [î tɕjɛ̂nljɛ̌n]; born October 27, 1984) is a Chinese professional basketball player for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA).
- Gillian Rubinstein
Gillian Rubinstein (born 29 August 1942) is an English-born children's author and playwright.
- Kim-Lian
Kim-Lian van der Meij (born 1 October 1980 in Beverwijk) is Dutch musical actress, presenter and a singer-songwriter.
- Lian Ross
Lian Ross (born Josephine Hiebel; December 8, 1962) is a German Hi-NRG/Euro disco singer.
- Lian Qian
Lian "Jenifer" Qian (born 19 February 1983) is a female Chinese-born table tennis player who now represents the Dominican Republic.
- Sarah Lian
Sarah Lian (simplified Chinese: 连丽婷, born 12 May 1983), is a Chinese Malaysian actress and television personality based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Tan Kin Lian
Tan Kin Lian is a Singaporean businessman and social activist, and former chief executive officer (CEO) of NTUC Income.
- Lian Lunson
Lian Lunson (born 3 February 1959) is an Australian actress who became a filmmaker and author.
- Lian Gerbino
Lian Gerbino (born 13 August 1983 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine musician, mixing engineer and music producer.
- Lian Tanner
Lian Tanner (born 17 March 1951 in Tasmania, Australia) is an Australian children's author who lives in southern Tasmania.
Her book Museum of Thieves, the first book in the middle-grade Keepers trilogy, won the 2010 Aurealis Award for Children Fiction, was a Notable Book in the 2011 Australian Children's Book of the Year Award, was shortlisted for the 2010 Australian Independent Booksellers' Award and the Australian Speech Pathologists' Award, and was selected as one of the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's Best Children's Books of the Year.
- Lee Li Lian
Lee Li Lian (simplified Chinese: 李丽连; traditional Chinese: 李麗連; pinyin: Li Lì Lián, born 19 July 1978) is a Singaporean politician, as a member of the opposition Workers' Party.
- Lian Goodwin
Lian Goodwin (born 29 April 1968) is a former synchronized swimmer from Great Britain.
- Lian Xiao
Lian Xiao (Chinese: 连笑; pinyin: Lián Xiào; born 8 April 1994) is a Chinese professional go player.
- Ryan Lian
Ryan Lian is a Singaporean actor and singer.
- Lian Junjie
Lian Junjie (simplified Chinese: 练俊杰; traditional Chinese: 練俊傑; pinyin: Liàn Jùnjié, born 3 November 2000) is a Chinese diver.
- Simon Lian
Simon Lian (Chinese: 連晨翔, born January 3, 1992) is a Taiwanese actor and singer.
- Mah Li Lian
Mah Li Lian (born 28 May 1968) is a Singaporean retired professional squash player.
- Lian Pham
Lian Nguyen Pham (born 15 January 1979) is an American social entrepreneur who became notable in the Houston, Texas area after her several startups and creation of the Conservative Food Hall, the city’s first venture of its kind and the starter of the Market hall trend with 7,000 square foot space located in the heart of Houston.
- Lian Hao
Lian Hao (Chinese: 连浩, born 7 June 1995) is a Chinese para table tennis player.
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Bharani Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Lian Numerology: Name Lian has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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