What does the name Levon mean? What is the meaning of the name Levon?
Meaning of Levon: Name Levon in the Armenian origin, means Armenian version of name Leon meaning lion. Name Levon is of Armenian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Levon are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Levon (Namesakes)
- Levon Ter-Petrosyan
Levon Hakobi Ter-Petrosyan (Armenian: Լևոն Հակոբի Տեր-Պետրոսյան; born 9 January 1945), also known by his initials LTP, is an Armenian politician.
- Levon Aronian
Levon Grigori Aronian (Armenian: Լևոն Գրիգորի Արոնյան, romanized: Levon Grigori Aronyan; born 6 October 1982) is an Armenian chess player.
- Levon Kirkland
Lorenzo Levon Kirkland (born February 17, 1969) is a former American football linebacker in the National Football League and current outside linebackers coach for the Arizona Cardinals.
- Levon Kendall
Levon Maxwell Simon Kendall (born July 4, 1984) is a Canadian professional basketball player who currently plays for Movistar Estudiantes of the Liga ACB. He plays at both power forward and center.
- Levon Stepanyan
Levon Stepanyan (Armenian: Լեւոն Ստեփանյան, born 22 April 1971 in Yerevan) is a retired Armenian football midfielder player and a current coach who played most of his career for Sepahan and previously played for Ararat Yerevan, Zob Ahan and captained Sepahan Novin.
- Levon Ichkhanian
Levon Ichkhanian (born May 16, 1964) is a Lebanese guitarist.
- Levon Hayrapetyan
Levon Hayrapetyan (Armenian: Լևոն Հայրապետյան, born 17 April 1989), also known as Levon Hairapetian, is an Armenian football player who currently plays defender for the Armenian national team.
- Levon Babujian
Levon Babujian (Armenian: Լեւոն Բաբուջյան, born May 8, 1986 in Yerevan) is an Armenian chess Grandmaster.
- Elen Levon
Elen Levon (born 13 July 1994, in Ukraine) is a Ukrainian-Australian singer, actress and dancer.
- Levon Zourabian
Levon Zourabian (Armenian: Լևոն Զուրաբյան) (born March 9, 1964) is an Armenian politician and coordinator of the Armenian National Congress.
- Levon Lachikyan
Levon Lachikyan (Armenian: Լևոն Լաճիկյան, 1955, September 7) is an Armenian art critic and graphic artist.
- Levon Harutyunyan (actor)
Levon Harutyunyan (Armenian: Լևոն Հարությունյան; born January 19, 1967), is an Armenian actor, presenter and playwright.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Levon Numerology: Name Levon has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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