What does the name Levente mean? What is the meaning of the name Levente
Meaning of Levente: Name Levente in the Hungarian origin, means Exiting being. Name Levente is of Hungarian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Levente are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Levente (Namesakes)
- Levente Szuper
Levente Szuper (born June 11, 1980 in Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian former professional goaltender.
- Levente Csik
Levente Zsolt Csik (born 29 April 1974) is a Romanian former footballer of Hungarian descent.
- Levente Bozsik
Levente Bozsik (born 22 April 1980) is a former Hungarian footballer who played for several clubs in Europe as striker.
- Levente Schultz
Levente Schultz (born 22 March 1977) is a Hungarian footballer.
- Levente Szántai
Levente Szántai (born 15 November 1982 in Budapest) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for Mezőkövesd-Zsóry SE.
- Levente Csillag
Levente Csillag (born 22 March 1973) is a retired Hungarian hurdler who specializes in the 110 metres hurdles.
- Levente Jova
Levente Jova (born 30 January 1992 in Orosháza) is a Hungarian football player.
- Levente Szijarto
Levente Szijarto (born June 15, 1982) is a Romanian professional basketball player for Steaua București of the Romanian League.
- Levente Füredy
Levente Füredy (born January 12, 1978 in Budapest) is a retired amateur Hungarian Greco-Roman wrestler, who competed in the men's welterweight category.
- Levente Pápa
Levente Pápa (born 9 May 1975 in Tata, Hungary) is a Hungarian economist and politician, former member and Chief Economist of Together party, board member between July 2014 and September 2016.
- Levente Molnár
Levente Molnár (born 10 March 1976, in Baia Mare) is a Romanian and Hungarian actor, most notable for playing Abraham in the Academy Award-winning film, Son of Saul.
- Levente Gödry
Levente Gödry (born 17 April 1992) is a Hungarian tennis player.
- Levente Harsányi
Levente Harsányi (born 21 March 1970, Budapest) is a Hungarian television presenter and singer.
- Levente Mady
Levente Mady (born 2 May 1959) is a Canadian swimmer.
- Levente Bartha
Levente Andrei Bartha (born 8 March 1977) is a Romanian bobsledder.
- Levente Apagyi
Levente Apagyi (born 18 December 1993) is a Hungarian sprint canoeist.
He won a medal at the 2019 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships.
- Levente Vajda
Levente Vajda (born 13 February 1981) is a Romanian chess Grandmaster (GM) (2001).
- Levente Szabó
Levente Szabó (born 6 June 1999) is a Hungarian football forward who plays for OTP Bank Liga club Fehérvár FC.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Levente Numerology: Name Levente has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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