What does the name Leopoldo mean? What is the meaning of the name Leopoldo
Meaning of Leopoldo: Name Leopoldo in the German, Italian origin, means He who has the bravery of the people. Name Leopoldo is of German, Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Leopoldo are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Leopoldo (Namesakes)
- Kimo Leopoldo
Kimo Leopoldo (born 4 January 1968), or simply Kimo, is an American retired mixed martial artist and actor.
- Leopoldo Minaya
Leopoldo Minaya (born November 15, 1963) is a Dominican-American poet.
- Leopoldo Luque
Leopoldo Jacinto Luque (Spanish pronunciation: [leoˈpoldo xaˈsinto ˈluke]; born 3 May 1949) is a former Argentine football striker.
- Leopoldo López
Leopoldo Eduardo López Mendoza (born 29 April 1971) is a Venezuelan politician and former political prisoner.
- Fábio Leopoldo
Fábio Leopoldo Silva (born April 17, 1977 in São Paulo) is a former Brazilian mixed martial artist and is currently an active Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and a world-renowned instructor.
- Leopoldo Jiménez
Leopoldo Rafael Jiménez (born May 22, 1978 in Caracas) is a Venezuelan football midfielder.
- Leopoldo Mastelloni
Leopoldo Mastelloni (born 12 July 1945) is an Italian actor, comedian and singer.
- Leopoldo Fernández
Leopoldo Fernández Ferreira (born 22 May 1952) is a Bolivian politician.
- Leopoldo García-Colín
Leopoldo García-Colín Scherer (27 November 1930, in Mexico City – 8 October 2012, in Mexico City) was a Mexican scientist specialized in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics who received the National Prize for Arts and Sciences in 1988.
He was a member of The National College, a former president of the Mexican Society of Physics (SMF, 1972–1973) and has received honorary degrees from several universities, including the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM).
- Leopoldo Vallejos
Leopoldo Manuel Vallejos Bravo (born July 16, 1944 in Santiago, Chile) is a former Chilean footballer.
- Leopoldo Morales
Leopoldo Morales Garcia (born March 6, 1990) is a Mexican retired footballer.
- Leopoldo Centeno
Leopoldo Centeno (born 27 April 1967) is a Spanish modern pentathlete.
- Leopoldo Ang
Leopoldo Ang (born 19 December 1937) is a Filipino former sports shooter.
- Leopoldo Martínez
Leopoldo Martínez (born 12 June 1943) is a Mexican former sports shooter.
- Leopoldo Rodés
Leopoldo Rodés (born 7 February 1939) is a Spanish former swimmer.
- Leopoldo Cintra Frías
Corps General Leopoldo Cintra Frías is a Cuban military and political leader, who is currently serving as the current Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba.
- Leopoldo Reyna
Leopoldo Reyna (born 20 December 1947) is a Mexican volleyball player.
- Leopoldo Di Girolamo
Leopoldo Di Girolamo (born 11 August 1951 in Montorio al Vomano) is an Italian politician.
- Leopoldo Fossati
Leopoldo Fossati (born 12 July 1948) is an Argentine sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Leopoldo Numerology: Name Leopoldo has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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