What does the name Leonid mean? What is the meaning of the name Leonid
Meaning of Leonid: Name Leonid in the Latin, Russian origin, means Latin variation of name Leon. Name Leonid is of Latin, Russian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Leonid are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Leonid (Namesakes)
- Leonid Kuchma
Leonid Danylovych Kuchma (Ukrainian: Леоні́д Дани́лович Ку́чма; born 9 August 1938) is a Ukrainian politician who was the second President of independent Ukraine from 19 July 1994 to 23 January 2005.
- Leonid Levin
Leonid Anatolievich Levin ( lay-oh-NEED LEV-in; Russian: Леони́д Анато́льевич Ле́вин; Ukrainian: Леоні́д Анато́лійович Ле́він; born November 2, 1948) is a Soviet-American computer scientist.
- Leonid Taranenko
Leonid Arkadevich Taranenko (Russian: Леонид Аркадьевич Тараненко, born June 13, 1956) is a former Soviet/Belarusian weightlifter and coach.
- Leonid Yakubovich
Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich PAR (Russian: Леонид Аркадьевич Якубович, born 31 July 1945) is a Russian actor and television host, best known for hosting the game show Pole Chudes (the Russian version of the Wheel of Fortune – literally, The Field of Wonders – and the celebrity episode of Slaboye Zveno).
- Leonid Kuravlyov
Leonid Vyacheslavovich Kuravlyov (Russian: Леонид Вячеславович Куравлёв) (born 8 October 1936) is a Soviet and Russian film actor.
- Leonid Yarmolnik
Leonid Isaakovich Yarmolnik (Russian: Леони́д Исаа́кович Ярмо́льник; born January 22, 1954) is a Soviet and Russian actor and film producer.
- Leonid Agutin
Leonid Nikolayevich Agutin (Russian: Леонид Николаевич Агутин; born July 16, 1968) is a Russian pop musician and songwriter, Meritorious Artist of Russia (2008).
- Leonid Denysenko
Leonid Denysenko is a Ukrainian Australian artist living in Sydney, Australia.
- Leonid Kanevsky
Leonid Semyonoviсh Kanevski (Ukrainian: Леонід Семенович Каневський, Russian: Леони́д Семёнович Кане́вский; 2 May 1939, Kiev, USSR) is a Soviet, Russian and Israeli actor.
- Leonid Fedun
Leonid Arnoldovich Fedun (Russian: Леонид Арнольдович Федун; born 5 April 1956) is a Russian billionaire businessman.
- Leonid Kuchuk
Leonid Stanislavovich Kuchuk (Belarusian: Леанід Станіслававіч Кучук; born 27 August 1959) is a Belarusian football manager and former professional player.
- Leonid Mikhelson
Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson (Russian: Леонид Викторович Михельсон; born 11 August 1955) is a Russian billionaire businessman, CEO, chairman and major shareholder of the Russian gas company Novatek.
According to Forbes, his personal fortune was estimated at US$26.9 billion as of 2019.
- Leonid Bichevin
Leonid Aleksandrovich Bichevin (Russian: Леони́д Алекса́ндрович Биче́вин; born 24 December 1984) is a Russian film and theater actor.
- Leonid Musin
Leonid Oleksandrovych Musin (Ukrainian: Леонід Олександрович Мусін; born 19 April 1985) is a Ukrainian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper.
- Leonid Martynyuk
Leonid Martynyuk (Russian: Леони́д Серге́евич Мартыню́к) (born June 20, 1978) is a Russian opposition author, video producer and journalist.
- Leonid Bershidsky
Leonid Davidovich Bershidsky (Russian: Леони́д Дави́дович Берши́дский; born November 23, 1971, Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union) is a Russian Berlin-based journalist and columnist for Bloomberg View, the editorial division of Bloomberg News.
- Leonid Kosakivsky
Leonid Hryhorovych Kosakivsky (Ukrainian: Леонід Григорович Косаківський) (born 21 January 1950, in Chernivtsi, Ukraine), is a Ukrainian politician.
- Leonid Zhunko
Leonid Mykhailovych Zhunko (Ukrainian: Леонід Михайлович Жунько) (born 9 June 1951, in Krasne Pole, Markivka Raion, Ukraine), is a Ukrainian politician.
- Leonid Pasechnik
Leonid Ivanovich Pasechnik (Russian: Леонид Иванович Пасечник, Ukrainian: Леонід Іванович Пасічник; Leonid Ivanovych Pasichnyk; born 15 March 1970) is the leader of the self-proclaimed state Luhansk People's Republic.
- Leonid Khankevich
Leonid Khankevich (Belarusian: Леанід Ханкевіч; Russian: Леонид Ханкевич; born 21 August 1995) is a Belarusian footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Leonid Numerology: Name Leonid has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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