What does the name Lene mean? What is the meaning of the name Lene
Meaning of Lene: Name Lene in the Norse origin, means Person who is destinguished. Name Lene is of Norse origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Lene (Namesakes)
- Lene Nystrøm
- Lene Børglum
Lene Børglum (born 21 August 1961) is a Danish film producer.
- Lene Hau
Lene Vestergaard Hau (born November 13, 1959 in Vejle, Denmark) is a Danish physicist who is currently the Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics at Harvard University.
- Lene Espersen
Lene Espersen (born 26 September 1965) is a former Danish politician and the current CEO at the Danish Association of Architectural Firms.
- Lene Elise Bergum
Lene Elise Bergum (born November 19, 1971 in Kristiansand, Norway) is a Norwegian actress.
- Lene Køppen
Lene Køppen (born May 5, 1953) is a former badminton player from Denmark who won numerous Danish national and major international championships from the early 1970s through the early 1980s.
- Lene Alexandra
Lene Alexandra Øien (born 29 October 1981 in Trøgstad, Norway) is a Norwegian singer, television personality and model.
- Lene Rantala
Lene Rantala (born 10 August 1968 in Copenhagen) is a former Danish team handball player, two times Olympic champion and a World champion.
- Lene Marlin
Lene Marlin (born Lene Marlin Pedersen, 17 August 1980, Tromsø, Norway) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter and musician.
- Lene Jenssen
Lene Jenssen (born 22 April 1957 in Fredrikstad) is a Norwegian swimmer.
- Lene Pedersen
Lene Pedersen (born April 28, 1977) is a Norwegian ski mountaineer.
- Lene Gammelgaard
Lene Gammelgaard (born 18 December 1961) is a Danish author, motivational speaker and mountaineer.
- Lene Lai
Lene Lai (Chinese: 賴琳恩; pinyin: Lài Lín'ēn; born 6 June 1989) is a Taiwanese actress and model.
- Lene Lovich
Lene Lovich (; born March 30, 1949) is an English-American singer, songwriter and musician.
- Lene Brøndum
Lene Brøndum (born 26 June 1947) is a Danish actress.
- Lene Clausen
Lene Clausen (born 10 April 1992) is a Danish female badminton player.
- Lene Berg
Lene Berg (born 1965 in Oslo) is a Norwegian film director and artist, who works in Oslo and Berlin.
- Lene Beier
Lene Beier (born Lene Ransborg; 29 May 1977 in Skive) is a Danish television presenter, who in 2014 was named "Star of Stars of the Year" by Billed Bladet's readers for the TV-GULD party.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Lene Numerology: Name Lene has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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