What does the name Lefteris mean? What is the meaning of the name Lefteris?
Meaning of Lefteris: Name Lefteris in the Greek, Cyprus origin, means A nickname of Elefherios, meaning a free man. Name Lefteris is of Greek, Cyprus origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lefteris are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Lefteris: A nickname of Elefherios, meaning a free man
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Famous people with name Lefteris (Namesakes)
- Lefteris Papadopoulos
Lefteris (Eleftherios) Papadopoulos (Greek: Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος) is a Greek lyricist, writer and journalist.
- Lefteris Matsoukas
Lefteris Matsoukas (Greek: Λευτέρης Ματσούκας; born 7 March 1990) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a forward for Football League club Ionikos.
- Lefteris Gialousis
Lefteris Gialousis (Greek: Λευτέρης Γιαλούσης; born 18 July 1985) is a Greek football defender who plays for Greek club Almyros Gazi in the Heraklion FCA A1 Championship, a regional league in the fifth tier of the Greek football league system.
- Lefteris Intzoglou
Lefteris Intzoglou (Greek: Λευτέρης Ιντζόγλου, born 3 March 1987) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Super League 2 club Panachaiki.
- Lefteris Hapsiadis
Lefteris Hapsiadis (Greek: Λευτέρης Χαψιάδης, born October 23, 1953) is a distinguished contemporary Greek lyrics author, a poet and a writer of novels.
- Lefteris Topalidis
Eleftherios "Lefteris" Topalidis (Greek: Λευτέρης Τοπαλίδης, born 2 September 1986) is a Greek footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Anagennisi Epanomi in the Football League.
- Lefteris Bochoridis
Eleftherios "Lefteris" Bochoridis (Greek: Ελευθέριος "Λευτέρης" Μποχωρίδης; born April 18, 1994) is a Greek professional basketball player for Aris of the Greek Basket League.
- Lefteris Bournias
Lefteris Bournias Greek Λευτέρης Μπουρνιάς (born September 3, 1968) is a Greek-American clarinetist and leader of Apollo Orchestras.
- Lefteris Kakiousis
Eleftherios "Lefteris" Kakiousis (Greek: Ελευθέριος "Λευτέρης" Κακιούσης; born 7 June 1968 in Thessaloniki, Greece) is a retired Greek professional basketball player and a professional basketball coach.
- Lefteris Choutesiotis
Lefteris Choutesiotis (Greek: Λευτέρης Χουτεσιώτης, born 20 July 1994) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Super League 2 club PAS Giannina.
- Lefteris Astras
Lefteris Astras (Greek: Λευτέρης Αστράς; born 14 July 1997) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Spanish club San Fernando.
- Lefteris Velentzas
Lefteris Velentzas (Greek: Λευτέρης Βελέντζας; born 10 October 1970) is a former Greek international footballer, and later manager of Apollon Smyrnis.
- Lefteris Lyratzis
Lefteris Lyratzis (Greek: Λευτέρης Λύρατζης, born 22 February 2000) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a right-back for Volos, on loan from PAOK.
- Lefteris Mantzoukas
Eleftherios "Lefteris" Mantzoukas (alternate spelling: Madzoukas) (Greek: Ελευθέριος "Λευτέρης" Μαντζούκας; born July 8, 2003) is a Greek professional basketball player for Promitheas Patras of the Greek Basket League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Lefteris Numerology: Name Lefteris has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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