What does the name Leen mean? What is the meaning of the name Leen
Meaning of Leen: Name Leen in the Arabic origin, means Soft, delicate woman. Name Leen is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Leen (Namesakes)
- Bill Leen
Bill Leen (born March 1, 1962) is an American musician from Tempe, Arizona.
- Hilton Cheong-Leen
Hilton Cheong-Leen, CBE, JP (Chinese: 張有興; born 6 August 1922) is a Hong Kong politician and businessman.
- Mari-Leen
Mari-Leen Kaselaan (also known by stage name Mari-Leen) is an Estonian pop artist.
- Leen Verbeek
Leendert "Leen" Verbeek (born 5 March 1954) is a Dutch politician serving as the King's Commissioner of Flevoland since 2008.
- Leen van Steensel
Leendert ("Leen") van Steensel (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈleːn vɑn ˈsteːnsəl], born 20 April 1984 in Rotterdam) is a Dutch former footballer.
- Leen Barth
Leendert Barth (born 11 January 1952 in Puttershoek) is a Dutch former football player.
- Leen van Dijke
Leendert Cornelis "Leen" van Dijke (born 3 September 1955) is a retired Dutch politician of the defunct Reformatory Political Federation (RPF) party and later co-founder of the Christian Union (CU) party and management consultant.
- Flora Cheong-Leen
Flora Zeta Elizabeth Cheong-Leen (born November 20, 1959) is a Hong Kong actress and fashion designer.
- Leen Ryckaert
Leen Ryckaert (Ghent, 8 November 1957) is a Flemish psychologist and writer.
- Leen Looijen
Leen Looijen (born 9 July 1947) is a Dutch football manager, who has worked in N.E.C., NAC Breda, RKC Waalwijk, FC St.
- Leen de Groot
Leen de Groot (born 16 April 1946) is a retired Dutch cyclist who was active between 1964 and 1969.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Leen Numerology: Name Leen has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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